City of Gibson City Council Met June 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dan Dickey.
Roll Call:
Ward 1: Greg Houtzel Present
Susie Tongate Present
Ward 2: Aaron Franks Present
Randy Wyant Present
Ward 3: Michele Celeschi Absent
Scott Davis Present
Ward 4: Denis Fisher Present
Dennis Pardick Present
Others Present:
Andy Keiser, Fehr-Graham Engineers; Gwen Crawford, Economic Development Group; Administrative Assistants Peg Stalter & Taylor Braasch; Gibson Area Hospital Chief Administrator Rob Schmitt; Superintendent Randy Stauffer; City Custodians Sue O’Neal and Angie Lage; Mike Friend, Farnsworth Group; Joe Alexander, Clinton, IL; Jean Noellsch, Ford County Chronicle.
Pledge of Allegiance led by: Alderman Dennis Pardick
Motion to approve Council Minutes May 24, 25, and June 1, 2021, made by Alderman Susie Tongate, 2nd by Alderman Scott Davis, motion carried 7-0.
Administrative Report: Administrative Assistant Peg Stalter reported that the Central AC unit on the west side of the City Hall building stopped working a few days ago. After discussion with Mayor Dickey and some council members, a new unit is on order. The current system is very old and not able to be repaired any further.
Visitor/Custodian Angie Lage addressed the council with concerns about vandalism occurring at the North Park restroom building. Angie cleans at the park restrooms, and she stated that the vandalism has been severe recently, she thinks it is probably happening after dark. Officer Rosenbaum confirmed that the police do lock the restroom building at night, and Alderman Tongate stated she has had multiple conversations with Chief Adam Rosendahl. He is working on a plan for more ‘community watch’ and possible reward system for information leading to the offenders.
Committee Reports:
Alderman Tongate – reported that the regular Pool Board has met frequently to date; announcements regarding any change of hours is posted immediately on social media and at the pool.
Skateboard Committee would like to finalize any remaining items that need attention at the Ed Day Memorial Skate Park, close their books and turn this over to the city soon.
Old Business:
Items B. & C. were discussed. Consideration of a Request from Kafer Ag Services to vacate an Alley located between 628 S. Sangamon Ave and S. Church Street., Supt. Stauffer explained that Wayne Link has been working on figures and costs, and the action that needs to be taken is to run the sewer separation from the alley (to be vacated) west to Sangamon Avenue. Alderman Fisher asked for a ballpark dollar amount and asked why the city cannot move forward with approval tonight. The dollar amount estimated is about $2000.00, and Kafer Ag is going to share costs. City Attorney Marc Miller clarified that to vacate the alley, a 15-day publication notice is required, and a ¾ vote of council is needed. In this scenario, the earliest this could be on the agenda will be the first meeting in July. Mayor Dickey suggested that these two items be addressed and every effort to accomplish the sewer separation and vacation of alley be completed in July. No formal action taken at this time.
Approval of Bills:
A. 2 T.I.F. 2 Checks in the total amount of $1,050.00 to Getty for mowing. Motion to approve made by Alderman Pardick, 2nd by Alderman Fisher. Motion carried 6-0 (with Alderman Houtzel abstaining due to owning property in TIF 2.)
B. General Fund checks in the total amount of $594,536.67. Motion to approve made by Alderman Fisher, 2nd made by Alderman Wyant. Motion carried 7-0.
New Business:
A. Consideration of Potential Issues Concerning Railroad Safety & Congestion:
Discussion: Joe Alexander addressed the council with his concerns about the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railroads currently in a bidding war for the Kansas City Southern Railroad. The concerns are that if Canadian National is the purchaser, their plan is to route heavy increased freight traffic south through Chicago and ultimately through the ‘Gilman-Springfield’ line, which would drastically increase rail traffic through our community. Mr. Alexander is asking for communities to write letters to the STB (Surface Transportation Board) asking for support to small communities who will be impacted by increased rail traffic. Alderman Fisher questioned Mr. Alexander’s numbers that were different from those presented in an article in the Chicago Tribune. After hearing the concerns, Mayor and council agreed they want additional facts before committing to writing letters. Mr. Alexander will provide more information as soon as possible. No formal action at this time.
B. Consideration to move forward with a Water/Wastewater Rate Study by ILRWA (Illinois Rural Water Association)
Mayor recommended that the Council approve moving forward with the Water/Sewer Rate Study that will be performed by the Illinois Rural Wastewater Association at no cost to the city. Rates need to be determined and raised to cover necessary improvements at both the Water and Wastewater Plants. Council agreed unanimously to move forward.
C. Consideration of Reduced Speed around Gibson Area Hospital facilities on N. Melvin Street, 19th Street, and Hager Drive. Hospital Administrator Rob Schmitt addressed the council with concerns about the speed of traffic around the hospital facilities, and requested that from Lawrence Avenue west on 19th Street be changed to 20 m.p.h. He also requested permission to install a flashing yellow light at the pedestrian crosswalks, at the hospital’s expense. Attorney Marc Miller informed council that per state statute, a 30-mph rate can only be lowered to 20 mph and under specific circumstances; those being the streets must be adjacent to a park or school zone. Visitor Jean Noellsch posed the question about Sangamon Avenue through the downtown area being lowered to 20 mph many years ago. Suggestions were made to work with the police department to get an informal traffic study of the area, and approval of the flashing yellow lights was unanimous.
D. Consideration of Mayoral Appointment of Pat Celeschi to Swimming Pool Board.
Motion to approve Mayor Dickey’s appointment of Pat Celeschi to the Swimming Pool Board was made by Alderman Randy Wyant, 2nd made by Alderman Tongate, Motion carried with unanimous approval of council.
E. Consideration of Bids to Resurface Tennis Courts:
United Paving bid $30,750. Cross Construction bid: $53,299.85. Superintendent Randy Stauffer explained that United Paving had resurfaced the basketball court at North Park some years ago, this would be a similar process. This bid does not include final painting of the courts after resurfacing. Supt. Stauffer estimated the painting costs to be about $15K. Motion to approve the low bid by United Paving not to exceed $30,750.00, to be paid from TIF 2 funds, 2nd made by Alderman Davis. Motion carried 6-0, with Alderman Houtzel abstaining because he owns property in TIF 2.
F. Consideration of Beth Sennett of Simply-Sennet to re-vamp the city website. Administrative Assistant Taylor Braasch reported to council that she has worked with Beth Sennet on the city website since 2017. Alderman Tongate stated that she and Alderman Celeschi have talked with both Beth Sennett and Taylor Braasch about ways to improve the overall layout and ease of maneuvering the website. Alderman Tongate made the motion to approve hiring Simply-Sennett at a cost not to exceed $2,750, (paid from Advertising line item) to work with Admins and make improvements to the city website. 2nd made by Alderman Wyant; motion carried 7-0.
G. Consideration to Approve Engineering Agreement with Fehr Graham for the final phase Design and Bidding of the New Pool and Bathhouse. Engineer Andy Keiser of Fehr-Graham provided council with an engineering agreement for the final phase of Design for the new swimming pool and bath house, and for overseeing the bidding process, at a cost not to exceed $290,000. The city has indicated moving forward with the bonding process to pay for this and other projects. The pool is in TIF 2, and the engineering fees will be paid from TIF 2. Alderman Pardick made the motion to approve the Engineering Agreement for Final Phase Design and Bidding on the new pool project, in and amount not to exceed $290,000, to be paid from TIF 2, 2nd made be Alderman Franks, motion carried 6-0, with Alderman Houtzel abstaining.
H. Consideration of an Ordinance Approving a Letter of Engagement for Engaging a Registered Municipal Advisor by and between the City of Gibson, Illinois and the Economic Development Group, Ltd. Gwen Crawford from EDG addressed council and explained that to handle our bonding project, the Economic Development Group Ltd. must have a separate Ordinance of approval, outside of their already representing the City generally as Municipal Advisors.
Motion to Approve Ordinance # 2021-O-06, Approving a Letter of Engagement for Engaging a Registered Municipal Advisor by and between the City of Gibson and the Economic Development Group Ltd., in a dollar amount not to exceed $11,500.00 to be paid from the bonding process, was made by Alderman Fisher, 2nd by Alderman Tongate. Motion carried 6-0, with Alderman Houtzel abstaining.
I. Consideration of an Ordinance Authorizing Issuance of General Obligation Bond Counsel by and between the City of Gibson and Ice Miller, LLP. Gwen Crawford explained that bond counsel work with the Economic Development Group in all aspects of preparation of documents, publications, and hearings necessary to coordinate the issuance of bonds. Mayor Dickey asked for Gwen to explain the type of bonds the City may issue. Ms. Crawford explained that the approval of issuing bonds may be done as ‘draw down’, only taking the money as needed when projects are underway. She will gather more information and report to Mayor Dickey. The fee to authorize the agreement with ICE Miller LLP is not to exceed $40,000.00, also to be paid from the bonding process/TIF 2. Alderman Pardick made the motion to approve Ordinance 2021-O-07, not to exceed $40,000 to engage ICE Miller LLP as bond counsel. 2nd made by Alderman Davis, motion carried 6-0, with Alderman Houtzel abstaining.
J. Consideration of an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2021 of the City of Gibson City, Ford County, Illinois, in an Aggregate Principal Amount not to Exceed $7.5 million dollars, for the Purpose of Paying the Costs of Financing Various Capital-Related Projects within the City and Paying Costs associated with those projects with said Bonds. Ms. Crawford explained to council that this is one more step in moving forward with the issuing of bonds, and it does not lock the city into any final dollar amounts with bonds or interest at this time, but it does start the ‘clock’ stating that the date of July 12, 2021, would be the BINA Public Hearing at City Hall. The earliest possible date to close on the bond issue would be late August 2021.
Motion to Approve Ordinance #2021-O-08 Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds in the amount not-to-exceed $7.5 million dollars for various capital projects made by Alderman Davis, 2nd made by Alderman Franks. Motion carried: 6-0 with Alderman Houtzel abstaining due to owning property in TIF 2.
Motion to Adjourn: Davis, 2nd by Alderman Fisher. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.