Hoopeston Area Community Unit School District 11 Board of Education met March 21.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The regular meeting of Hoopeston Area Community Unit School District #11 Board of Education, held in the High School Library, was called to order at 6:02 P.M. by President Mark Schaumburg with the following members present: Chris Elliott, Lawrence Jahn, Deborah Klaber, Lisa Leigh, Mark Schaumburg, and Chris Small. Member Craig Lee entered the meeting at 6:07 P.M.
Also present included Suzzette Hesser, Superintendent; Mark Eighner, Director of Transportation/Business Manager; Principals John Klaber, Suzi Root (entered the meeting at 6:12 P.M.), Dan Walder, and Michelle White; HEA representative; and representatives from media.
Motion by Elliott and seconded by Small to adjourn to Executive Session at 6:02 P.M.:
1. For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees.
2. For matters involving collective negotiations with the local bargaining organization.
Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
A voice vote was taken to end the Executive Session at 7:13 P.M. to return to open session.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Revision of Agenda:
There was no correspondence.
There were 9 individuals who spoke out regarding the Pledge of Allegiance issue and the future of Honeywell Elementary School.
Information was given regarding the Meet and Greet for the School Board candidates on March 28, 2019, at the Rankin United Methodist Church.
Motion by Elliott and seconded by Small to approve Consent Agenda as follows:
1. Minutes of previous meeting(s)
2. Bills for payment/financial reports and recommendation
Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Committee reports were made.
Motion by Jahn and seconded by Klaber to accept the resignation of Trey Stille as Hoopeston Area High School Physical Education Teacher and Head Football Coach effective at the end of the 2018-2019 school year. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Small and seconded by Lee to accept the resignation of Dave Cox as High School Head Boys Basketball Coach effective February 21, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Klaber and seconded by Small to accept the resignation of Ross Bryll as Head Varsity Girls Basketball Coach effective February 25, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Jahn and seconded by Leigh to accept the resignation of Kari Rayls as Secretary at Maple Elementary School effective March 14, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Klaber and seconded by Leigh to accept the resignation of Kylee Simpson as Personal Aide at Hoopeston Area Middle School effective March 8, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Elliott and seconded by Jahn to accept the resignation of Rebecca Martinez as Maple Elementary Paraprofessional at the end of the 2018-2019 school year effective May 30, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Leigh and seconded by Lee to approve the employment of the district administrators for the 2019-2020 school year as: Rick Brackmann as Part-Time Special Education Director; Emily Brown as Curriculum Coordinator; Suzi Root as Maple Grade School Principal; Dan Walder at John Greer Grade School Principal; Michelle White at Hoopeston Area Middle School Principal; John Klaber as Hoopeston Area High School Principal. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Abstained: Klaber. Motion carried.
Motion by Klaber and seconded by Jahn to approve the employment of Tim Hillard, Mark Eighner, Rodney Comstock, and Wade Clemmons for the 2019-2020 school year. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Lee and seconded by Leigh to approve the employment of Brenda Herman as Paraprofessional at Maple School with a start date of March 7, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Jahn and seconded by Klaber to approve the employment of Kenny Byerly as District Custodian effective March 25, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Lee and seconded by Leigh to approve the employment of Brandon Tyler as Secretary at Maple School with a start date of March 15, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Klaber and seconded by Lee to approve the employment of Abigail Nielsen as Physical Education Teacher at Hoopeston Area Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year effective August 15, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Leigh and seconded by Klaber to approve the transfer of Angelique Jerome from bus driver to bus aide effective February 25, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Lee and seconded by Klaber to approve the transfer of Kelly Ankenbrand from Middle School Computer Teacher to High School Business/Marketing Teacher for the 2019-2020 school year effective August 15, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Lee and seconded by Elliott to approve the following volunteers for the mentoring program:
Debbie Klaber
Nita Lockhart
Josh Miller
Scott Kellerhals
John Fowler
Pam Barker
William McGee
Carol Hodge
Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Lee, Leigh, and Schaumburg. Nays: Small. Abstained: Klaber. Motion carried.
Old Business:
New Business:
Motion by Jahn and seconded by Leigh to approve a paid computer internship in collaboration with Danville Area Community College for a maximum of 15 hours a week for the remainder of the 2019-2019 school year. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Elliott and seconded by Jahn to approve the FMLA Leave of a Professional Educator Licensed (PEL) Teacher beginning approximately May 1, 2019. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Klaber and seconded by Lee to approve the Child Care Leave of a Professional Education Licensed (PEL) Teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Small and seconded by Elliott that the Board adopt a Resolution, “Resolution Reference the Dismissal of a Professional Educator Licensed (PEL) Employee” as presented and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the Notice to the employee as specified in the Resolution. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Elliott and seconded by Small to set an Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education for April 30, 2019, at 6:00 P.M. in the Hoopeston Area High School Library. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Jahn and seconded by Small Consideration and action on a Resolution Authorizing the Demolition of Honeywell School. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Elliott and seconded by Lee to approve the amended minutes for the January FY19 Board of Education meeting. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Jahn and seconded by Small to approve the revision of Board of Education Policy 2:40 as presented. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Small and seconded by Klaber to approve membership in the IHSA for the 2019-2020 school year. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Tabled the motion to approve a contract with the Illinois Multi-Tiered systems of Support Network (MTSS) as an IL-Empower Learning Partner through August 31, 2019, in a total amount not to exceed $30,000.
Informational Items:
Rhonda Lietz, gave a presentation regarding the Rotary Foreign Exchange Program.
John Klaber, High School Principal, gave a presentation of the revision of credits required for graduation, the Latin System for Graduation Recognition, and an Early Graduation Option. Mr. Klaber also presented information regarding the football cooperative.
Amy Linares, Community Liaison, gave a presentation regarding the 2018-19 school year.
John Klaber, High School Principal, gave an athletic director report.
Dylan Swank gave an HEA report.
Administrative Reports were given by the Superintendent, each building Principal, and Transportation Director in attendance.
Motion by Elliott and seconded by Small to adjourn to Executive Session at 9:05 P.M.:
1. For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees.
2. For matters involving collective negotiations with the local bargaining organization.
Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
A voice vote was taken to end the Executive Session at 11:29 P.M. to return to open session.
Motion by Elliott and seconded by Leigh to approve the Minutes of the Executive Session for the month of February. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg, and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Klaber and seconded by Lee to adjourn meeting at 12:33 A.M. Ayes: Elliott, Jahn, Klaber, Lee, Leigh, Schaumburg and Small. Nays: None. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.