Village of Belgium Finance and Personnel Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 28.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order, Please Silence all Cell Phones
2. Roll Call of Officers
3. Open Meeting Law Compliance Check
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, Moment of Silence
5. Approval of Minutes
a. Finance & Personnel Committee meeting March 19, 2019
6. Agenda Items; Consideration, Discussion and Possible Action Regarding:
a. Discuss and make recommendation of 2018 fund allocations
b. Discuss and make recommendation of procedure/guidelines for employee recognition/gifting when employee resigns or retires.
c. Discuss and make recommendation for clarification of Village of Belgium Employee Handbook Section 5.3 Overtime pay – time and a half for hours worked on holiday.
d. Discuss and make recommendation regarding Employee paid time affecting Village of Belgium Employee Handbook Sections 6.7 Vacation and 6.8 Sick Leave.
7. Adjourn