
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Urbana Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee met April 17.

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City of Urbana Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee met April 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Members Present: Bill Brown (Chair), Annie Adams, Leonardo Covis, Kara Dudek, Cynthia Hoyle Audrey Ishii, Susan Jones, Craig Shonkwiler, Nancy Westcott and Lily Wilcock

Staff Present: Kevin Garcia

Members Absent: Jeff Marino

Members Late Arrival: None

Others Present: Roland White/Fehr Graham Engineering

1. Call To Order, Roll Call, And Declaration Of Quorum

Bill Brown called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Roll call was taken. A quorum of members was present.

2. Approval Of Agenda

Nancy Westcott moved to add Verbal Walk Signals to New Business.

Annie Adams moved to add a discussion regarding Campus Transportation Bike Share which will be done during announcements.

Susan Jones moved to approve the agenda as amended; Audrey Ishii seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

3. Approval Of Minutes From Previous Meeting

Cynthia Hoyle added to the minutes that automated vehicles will have to be designed to accommodative pedestrians and bicyclists on the roadways as far as the US Department of Transportation is concerned. (Page 2 Paragraph 6)

Cynthia Hoyle added to Page 8 Paragraph 2, that she was misquoted and it should be “Healthy Champaign County” rather than Champaign-Urbana Public Health District.

The minutes from the April 17, 2018 meeting were presented for approval with amendments. Cynthia Hoyle moved to approve the minutes; Leonardo Covis seconded the motion; and the motion was unanimously approved.

4. Public Input

There was no public input.

5. Unfinished Business

• Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission 2017 Annual Report

Bill Brown distributed a draft of the topics presented in the minutes last year. He stated that the draft was a representation of the outline as laid out in the Ordinance 2007-06-063. He also stated that the report would be presented at the May 7 City Council Meeting. The following was included in the draft Annual Report.

1. Advise the City Council on bicyclist and pedestrian issues

a. BPAC provided information and recommendations to the Urbana City Council through discussions with City staff, reviews of Capital Improvements and other planning devices.

b. April - BPAC approved a motion to recommend that the City of Urbana distribute a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission survey to gage public satisfaction with walking and cycling options in Urbana, and awareness of BPAC as an avenue of public engagement

c. December – The commission discussed dockless bike sharing, and provided input to Kevin Garcia with concerns and suggestions.

d. December – Audrey Ishii provided an overview of the Vision Zero Network.

2. Analyze routing, operation and safety of bicycles - BPAC reviewed several traffic routing concerns for both bicycles and pedestrians and provided suggestions. These included:

a. July – Plans for Bradley Avenue buffered bicycle lanes were presented and discussed.

b. August – The commission discussed bicycle riding on central business sidewalks and made suggestions for new language and placement for signs.

c. October – Reviewed the signage and striping for Main Street from Scottswood to University

d. December – The commission discussed proposed changes to signage and markings on the northeast corner of Goodwin and University in response to a crash into an opening door on the sidewalk which involved an injury.

3. Review and make recommendations regarding the City’s Capital Improvement Plan and Bicycle Master Plan

a. April 18, 2017 - BPAC was updated on the Boneyard Creek Beautification Plan and partnerships by Urbana City Council member Dennis Roberts.

4. Evaluate and make recommendations for an action plan for biking and walking facilities (on- street and off-street paths and lanes, bicycle racks, signage and signalization)

a. January - Priorities for implementation of the bicycle master plan were reviewed and a tracking system set in place.

b. April - Pedestrian signal timing in downtown Urbana [Race & Main, Broadway & Main] was reviewed with Craig Shonkwiler (UPW).

c. April - Downtown bicycle parking facilities were discussed. Annie Adams has discussed the needs for more bicycle parking with downtown business owners, and suggested locations for additional parking. The location of the downtown bicycle corral is to be coordinated with Kevin Garcia (Planning).

d. May - Repairs to brick and concrete sidewalks were reviewed, with ADA compliance noted as the guiding priority.

5. Coordinate with external agencies on maps and regional path connections

a. May -The IDOT Cunningham Avenue Multi-Use Path from Kenyon Road to Napleton Way project was reviewed with Brad Bennett (UPW). The path is 3,400 ft. by 10 ft. and will include landscaping and lighting.

b. October – provided input on designated bus stops and pedestrian access to buses.

6. Develop education and public outreach programs on bicycle and pedestrian issues

a. March - A community survey was created by BPAC members to obtain input from the community on public priorities.

b. Plans for Bike Month in May were discussed

c. May - Results from the BPAC public outreach survey were reviewed and efforts to increase participation were discussed. It was agreed to extend the period and distribute paper copies to the Douglass Branch Champaign Public Library and the Urbana Public Library.

d. May- Cynthia Hoyle reported on the Earn-A-Bike program to be implemented at the Don Moyers Boys & Girls Club. Fundraising was accomplished through the C-U Bike Month website.

e. October – Discussion of Walk & Roll to School Day, Market at the Square Rodeo, Don Moyer Club Ride on the Kickapoo Trail.

7. Assist the City in the development of bicycle and pedestrian systems within the community

a. May - The Commission reviewed the status of the Urbana Pedestrian Master Plan (UPMP) with Brad Bennett (UPW). Staff has met with PACE and is developing the plan with the services of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission. Public meetings for plan input were scheduled in eight different neighborhoods

8. Perform such further duties as may be delegated to it by the Mayor and City Council - No additional duties were delegated to BPAC during 2017.

B. Budget Recommendations

C. Future Goals for 2018

1. Development and approval of Urbana Pedestrian Plan

2. Development and approval of Urbana Bicycle Wayfinding Plan

3. Help evaluate options for making a connection to the KRT trailhead

4. Events and outreach to engage community

D. Other Items

Bill Brown will put a PowerPoint presentation together. He will add the following:

• Map of sidewalk repair projects and list of infrastructure projects provided by Craig Shonkwiler

• List of affiliate organizations

• Future Goals of 2018

• Work with the Communication Outreach Staff Representative

• Vision Zero Discussion – Audrey Ishii

Audrey Ishii presented a City of Urbana draft Resolution to Adopt Vision Zero. She compared the resolution to one done by the City of Eugene, Oregon.

The Commission discussed whether Eugene was comparable in size to Urbana. Cynthia Hoyle stated that cities such as Columbia, Fremont, Summerville, Monterey and Bethel would be more comparable.

Craig Shonkwiler stated that because of the nature of the Commission as being an advisory board that the steps needed for this resolution to move forward would be through a City Council member and through Traffic Commission. He added that more research and study would need to be done.

Lily Wilcock commented that the University does have a complete streets resolution, however it does not include a vision zero plan.

6. New Business

• Crystal Lake Park Shared Use Path – Fehr Graham Engineering

Roland White presented on the project of the Crystal Lake Park Shared Use Path supported by the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) grant. The project was funded 80% federally and 20% by local fund through the Urbana Park District (UPD). The project had Federal Highway Association (FHWA) and Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) oversight.

Roland White described the site map of the project and existing conditions. Additionally, he showed the goals of the project as referenced in the Urbana Bicycle Master Plan 2016 (UBMP) and how it fell in to the 0-5 year plan. He also showed the Green Loop Plan and the Greenways & Trails Plan and the idea of connecting.Crystal Lake Park to the community.

Roland White described the project context in reference to the UPD Trails Master Plan, the UBMP and the CUUATS Greenways & Trails Plan. He presented the Crystal Lake Rehab Master Plan that showed how the trails would connect.

Roland White showed the ITEMP Site Drawing Exhibit and the Preliminary Design Layout. He stated that plans have designed and would be constructed with future funding. He added that the project specifics were outlined using IDOT guidelines. He described the specific shared use path requirements.

Roland White stated that the project opportunities were done for:

• Safety improvements

• Improved Bike/Pedestrian route

• Positioned for Grants

• Community Partnerships; and

• Organizational Collaboration.

He stated that the path would involve the following sites:

• NW Corner of Park St and Church St.

• Park St. West/Main Entrance

• Corner of Park St. and Broadway Avenue; and

• Park Street – East Entrance

Additionally, Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (MTD) reviewed the plans and picked two specific bus stop locations.

Roland White stated that the project schedule target letting date would be for November 9, 2018.

Leonardo Covis asked about the use of wayfinding signs on the North side.

Audrey Ishii asked about the connectivity from Crystal Lake to Ambucs Park to Weaver Park. Roland stated that this was the scope of the Green Loop Project.

Craig Shonkwiler asked about the park street improvements cost. Roland White stated about $400,000 for that portion of the project.

• Complete Streets Conference – Cynthia Hoyle

Cynthia Hoyle presented on the Complete Streets Conference Held in Nashville from April 3-4, 2018. She stated that the focus on the conference was creating culturally complete streets through art and engage diversity.

The focus of the conference was:

• How can engineers, designers, and advocates produce better projects by bringing art into the planning process?

• How can artists contribute their cultural knowledge and creative practice to the implementation of Complete Streets?

• How can public health proponents create active transportation networks that integrate community health goals?

• What are the opportunities for collaboration among these different groups to create places that are not only safe and attractive but are also culturally reflective and equitably distributed?

Cynthia Hoyle stated that she started with a mobile workshop called Bike the Pike. She stated that they are focusing on outdated retail and auto-dominated roadway by transforming into a corridor that is safer, healthier, and more vibrant. Their interest would be to reinvent the neighborhoods. While at the conference, Mayor David Briley, signed a Declaration of Transportation Independence, where you can choose your mode of transportation.

Cynthia showed photos of art used in modern roundabouts and streets, arts in public plazas and the bike share being utilized in the downtown area.

Cynthia discussed how art was being used as a tool for conflict resolution, where a dance called the Minneapolis Light Rail Shuffle was demonstrated. The next important task was turning the art into reality, also be using creative streetscape by painting roadways. Cynthia added that to become involved there was an application process for groups and neighborhoods to fill out and be funded.

• Verbal Walk Signals – Nancy Westcott

Nancy Westcott asked if the verbal indications at the Vine St./University Ave., Vine St./Main St., and Vine St./Illinois St. intersections could be repaired since they are currently working. Craig Shonkwiler said he would ask Public Works crews to look into the push buttons at these intersections.

7. Announcements

• April 18 Bike to Work Registration

• May is Bike Month: Activities on Bike Month website

• May 1 – Bike to Work Day

• May 7 – Illinois Bike Summit

• Painting of Light Poles

• May 14 – Traffic Commission tentatively scheduled to present at Committee of the Whole Re: Lincoln Avenue Corridor Future Improvements in response to A and B injuries.

8. Future Topics

• What’s in your Square (Lincoln Square Revision)

• Communication Outreach Program

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
