City of Danville City Council met December 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
#1. The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Danville was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Scott Eisenhauer at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main Street, Danville, Illinois.
The Roll Call was answered by Mayor Scott Eisenhauer, Vice Mayor Brenda Brown, Aldermen Jon Cooper, R.J. Davis, Dan Duncheon, Steve Foster, Sharon McMahon, Steve Nichols, Michael O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, Michael Puhr, Lloyd Randle, Tom Stone, Rick Strebing, and Rickey Williams, Jr. A quorum was present.
Staff Members Present: City Treasurer Stephanie Wilson, Assistant Corporation Counsel Bethany Nystrom, Budget Director Gayle Lewis, City Clerk Lisa Monson, City Comptroller Shelley Scott, Construction & Maintenance Manager David Ruwe, Corporation Counsel Dave Wesner, Director of Engineering & Urban Services David Schnelle, Planning & Urban Services Manager Christopher Milliken, Human Relations Administrator Sandra Finch, Public Transportation Director Lisa Beith, Public Safety Director Larry Thomason, Deputy Director of Public Works Ray Garcia, and Public Works Director Doug Ahrens.
There Were also 58 audience members and 3 news media in attendance.
#2. Invocation was given by Reverend Shanae Dowell, Co-Pastor of 21st Century Christian Worship Church.
#3. The Pledge Of Allegiance was led by Alderman Duncheon.
#4. The Minutes of the regular meeting held, November 21, 2017, having been published and distributed, were presented. Vice Mayor Brown moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Davis. On the Voice Vote, the motion so ordered
#5. The Agenda for the evening was presented. Mayor Eisenhauer announced the amendment of Item 9, an Ordinance Amending Wage Administration Chart and corrected items D and 11-J. Alderman Cooper moved for approval as amended, seconded by Alderman Randle. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays, the motion so ordered.
#6. Mayor's Report
#6-A. Proclamations - None
#6-B. Board/Committee Appointments - None
#6-C. Reports of Boards, Agencies, Commissions - None
#6-D. Items of Information
#6-D-1. Review Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Audit
•Mayor Eisenhauer announced the review of the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Audit and introduced Director Sandy Cook, CPA, with Clifton LarsonAllen LLP, who presented two hand-outs, the first being a Power Point slide summary of the financial statements and the second was a hand-out outlining upcoming accounting standards. Director Cook thanked Comptroller Scott, Director Lewis, and staff for their assistance during the auditing process and answered questions from the Council.
•Mayor Eisenhauer announced that tonight's meeting will be the last full City Council meeting for Public Works Director Doug Ahrens. Mayor Eisenhauer thanked him for providing 28 years of Service to the citizens of Danville.
•Mayor Eisenhauer announced that tonight is also the last City Council meeting for Assistant Corporation Council Bethany Nystrom who has resigned her position and thanked her for her service to the City of Danville.
#7. Petitions Communications, Audience Comments
#7- A. Public Hearing On The Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 2018-2019 The Public Hearing on the Proposed Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 was opened by Mayor Eisenhauer at 6:24 p.m. Mayor Eisenhauer opened the floor for Public Comment. Clerk Monson called for public comments on the proposed Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. The following audience members addressed the Council:
•Jerry Hawker of Danville thanked Mayor Eisenhauer and the City Council on behalf of Danville Area Landlord Association for their openness in discussing and compromising on the public safety pension fee and voiced support in favor of it. Mr. Hawker also stated he thinks the employee cuts that have been made by the City thus far are sufficient and doesn't agree with any additional or future cuts to City staff.
•Jake Molenkamp of Danville thanked Mayor Eisenhauer and the City Council in preparing the annual budget and Voiced support in favor of the proposed public safety pension fee.
•Pastor Doug Knapp of Danville spoke concern of the proposal to personnel cuts in the Human Relations and other departments.
•Vince Koers of Danville thanked the City Council for their time and effort in the budget process and hopes the result of the proposed public safety pension fee helps the pension problems the City is facing now and in the future.
•Nate Byram of Danville thanked the City Council for their work on the flat fee proposal and voiced support in favor of the public safety pension fee and also stated he appreciated the suggestions for personnel cuts.
•Aaron Troglia of Danville Voiced support of eliminating the Human Relations Administrator position, is for a for utility tax and stated the pension fee tripled.
•Gloria Bolden of Danville voiced opposition to 10% property tax increase and feels there needs to be a reflector West of Fairchild Street on Bowman AVenue.
•Ed Strahl of Danville voiced opposition to any new taxes.
•Janice Mielke of Danville and Human Relation Commissioner voiced opposition to the elimination of the Human Relations Administrator position.
There being no further public comments on the Budget, Mayor Eisenhauer closed the Public Hearing at 6:48 p.m. and called for additional Audience Comments.
Other Audience Comments:
•Martha Espino of Danville has served on the Human Relations Committee for years and feels the Hispanic people have a voice too and feels the Human Relations Administrator position is too important to be eliminated.
•Edward Butler of Danville and Danville NAACP President WOuld like to See the Human Relations Division remain as it currently is.
•Reverend Tyson Parks of Danville voiced support of the Human Relations Administrator position and Mrs. Finch guided him with complaints as former President of the Danville NAACP, has seen the Work Mrs. Finch puts forth during the MLK Celebration, and feels passionate the position needs to remain.
•Randall Robinson of Danville feels the Human Relations Administrator position is a full-time, Critical position that should not be combined with another City position.
•Dr. U. Pete Williams of Danville thanked the Council for hearing "our" voice regarding the Tax Levy and feels it is fair. He also voiced concern of merging the Human Relations Administrator position With another City position as the State, Federal, and Local Laws says we must have an EEO position.
•Pastor Thomas Miller of Danville voiced concern of adding the Human Relations Administrator position to another City position as he feels it would create a negative signal to the community.
•Carol Cheeks of Oakwood voiced concern of eliminating the Human Relations Administrator and feels Mrs. Finch is an honest, resourceful person who also serves on the Unmet Needs Committee.
•Jerry Hawker of Danville spoke concern of the elimination of the Human Relations Administrator position as he considers Mrs. Finch an asset to the City and he has worked well with her in the past.
#8. Approval Of Harrison Park Budget For 2018 Mayor Eisenhauer presented the Harrison Park Budget for 2018 of $398,817.00 for approval. Alderman Randle moved to approve as presented, seconded by Alderman Strebing. Alderman Duncheon asked if the Golf Course ever closed would Harrison Park revert back to the University that donated it to the City. Mayor Eisenhauer replied the covenant that covers the property says yes, the first right of refusal technically belongs to DePauw University. It would be up to them at the time Whether or not they choose to accept the property. They are granted the opportunity thru the Covenant for the first right of refusal. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Cooper, Puhr, Nichols
Nays: None
Motion Carried 14 to 0.
#9. Ordinance: Amending Wage Administration Chart
#9. Mayor Eisenhauer presented amended Ordinance No. 9120 amending Wage Administration Chart for position classification 190, titled Deputy Comptroller, shall remain with no current salary, Whereby the position shall be de-funded; and position classification 184, titled Finance Office Manager, be added with the salary range of $42,036.00 to $63,054.00, to be effective immediately. Alderman Stone moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Cooper. Alderman Pickering questioned if anyone was currently in the position and Mayor Eisenhauer responded the position Was Vacated a Week ago. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Cooper, Puhr, Nichols
Nays: Alderman Williams
Motion Carried 13 to 1.
#10. Recommendations Fromalderman Rickey Williams, JR.
#10-A. Mayor Eisenhauer presented a resolution providing for Mowing of Vacant and Abandoned Non-City Owned Properties During Fiscal Year 2018-2019, to eliminate raises for all non-union personnel in the proposed 2018-2019 budget saving $67,815.44 through a reduction in proposed Salaries and benefits and reallocate the money saved to the Community Reinvestment Fund for the
City Council Page 3 12/05/17
sole purpose of mowing vacant and abandoned non-City owned lots throughout the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year. Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Alderman Williams stated a couple of things the Bible says give honor to whom honor is due and give credit to whom credit is due and last year we honored our employees and gave them a raise; however, We gave a disservice to our community because we refused to take care of the vacant properties. He stated if there are any errors in his calculations, they are based upon calculations provided to him by the Finance staff. He feels we should honor the people this year. Mayor Eisenhauer stated he provided his opinions in a handout given the Council on each of the items recommended by Alderman Williams. He will not read those, but will answer any questions relating to the current item. He also stated not all of those positions that are non-union are 100% funded out of the General Fund and recognizing that we are probably not going to be paying for the mowing of vacant lots of the Sewer Division or Harrison Park or other divisions considered enterprise funds, he removed those from the calculations. Alderman Puhr stated in light of what is going to be happing in two Weeks with looking at bringing back the discussion on bidding out lots and things, he would like this to be postponed until after that vote goes. Alderman Puhr moved to postpone the vote on the resolution, seconded by Alderman Cooper. Alderman Williams asked that it not be postponed and feels this is a tactic to take the resolution off of the table. We need make sure that We set aside these funds as the budget will be approved tonight with salary increases so it will not be an option to use the salary increases for mowing. Mayor Eisenhauer clarified with the passage of the budget, the Council is not establishing the 2% salary increase as it has to be done through the wage chart. Alderman Williams questioned Budget Director Lewis if the salary increases are included in the budget and Director Lewis responded the wage chart is an ordinance that is voted on by the Council and there is 2% increases in the Budget, but they do not go to the employees unless the Ordinance is passed that includes a wage chart. Alderman Williams stated we need to make a commitment to the community to mow the lots in their neighborhoods. Alderman Puhr stated he is advocating postponing; not tabling the resolution, until after we decide if we are going to look for bids for mowing and contracting out certain things which may in the long run, save us more money. Alderman Williams stated his motion does not specify who will do the mowing. It specifies that we will set aside the money we save from the salary freezes to do so. Alderman Foster agrees with postponing it as he does not have any reason to vote on not giving the non-union the 2% since everyone else has received an increase, but he is Willing to Wait and see how the mowing discussion turns out and postpone that part of it. Alderman Duncheon stated he is going to vote to postpone it, but asked Alderman Williams to consider restructuring the resolution into two separate resolutions and vote on mowing the grass and having a separate vote on the non-union raises, but tying them together clouds the issue. Alderman Williams stated we need to have a means to pay for the mowing and last year we were not provided a means to pay for it so he does not support separating them out. Alderman Stone stated he supports giving the non-union personnel a raise so he is okay not postponing it and Would like to see a vote on it. Alderman Davis agrees with Alderman Stone. Vice Mayor Brown Would like to see it separated. She serves in the same ward as Alderman Williams and there are a lot of non-City owned properties that were not mowed last year and it did make the City look horrible. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being on the motion to postpone to a later date:
Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Duncheon, McMahon, Strebing, Randle, Cooper, Puhr, Foster
Nays: Aldermen Davis, Stone, Williams, Pickering, O'Kane, Nichols
Motion to postpone carried 8 to 6.
#10-B. Mayor Eisenhauer presented an ordinance eliminating Funding for Certain Positions and Abating the 2017 Tax Levy, to eliminate the following positions for a projected savings of $315,899.02: 220.0 Assistant Corporation Counsel, 190.0 Deputy Comptroller, 171.0 Construction & Maintenance Manager, 175.0 Human Relations Administrator, and 408.0 Legal Department Secretary. Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Alderman Williams stated it disturbed him that some of the individuals that Spoke during audience Comments did not look him in the eye so he wanted to explain why he proposed what he did. In Our Society today We continue to charge you guys more and more and more as a City, but We provide you with less and less and less and in the last year we have created new fees, increased other fees and he says there is not going to be a time when he says he will never raise a tax or fee, because sometimes it has to be done; however, he thinks the City should be as efficient and effective as we can and streamline our expenses just like individuals in your homes, or people in your Organizations do because it is our jobs to be good stewards of the resources that we are provided because We have to remember that the City of Danville nor any government can do anything Without finances provided by the people and the businesses in this community. The positions he proposed merging or eliminating there are two that are currently unfilled. He is simply proposing not filling those positions that are vacant. He has been told he is racist and sexist for proposing to eliminate the Human Relations Administrator position and it is not personal against Mrs. Finch. Alderman Williams stated the responsibilities of the position are very important and critical to Our Community, however, it is very important that they be done efficiently and be done effectively and he feels the position could be combined with another and still accomplish that and meet the goals of our community. He stated everyone that came and spoke this evening were folks that were on the Commission or folks in leadership positions and asked where are the people we are helping so much and doing SO manythings for and also stated he has received complaints from black individuals. Alderman Pickering moved to amend the ordinance by striking item 1-d Human Relations Administrator position out of the eliminations prior to the vote on the ordinance, seconded by Alderman Foster. Alderman Puhr moved to amend the ordinance by striking item 1-c Construction & Maintenance Manager position out of the eliminations prior to the vote on the ordinance, seconded by Alderman Cooper. Mayor Eisenhauer stated he will have to wait until after the vote on the first amendment. Alderman Nichols stated he believes the City elects a Mayor to be an Administrator so he Would have preferred a resolution reducing salaried line items or jobs rather than be specific as it is the Mayor's job, but it is the Council's job to set the budget parameters. Alderman Williams stated We never do it, but if We are serious about this, then he would like to see Alderman Nichols make a motion at a relevant time to make that adjustment. Mayor Eisenhauer commented the Administration has already proposed for 2018-2019 the elimination of the Director of Public Works, the Budget Director, which was a temporary position, the elimination of the Superintendent of Community Improvements, the exchange of the Deputy Comptroller for the Finance Manager, and the elimination of the Property Compliance Coordinator. Alderman Williams stated he appreciates those eliminations and One of those positions is one he has been advocating we eliminate for a long time. Mayor Eisenhauer Stated the Administration does propose cuts and did going into the fiscal year, but we do that after We evaluate and analyze each of the different positions. Alderman Foster stated this is his 26th budget and due to the civil rights suit, it was determined we would always have the Human Relations Administrator position and this position is a full-time position. He has known Mrs. Finch for a long time and is a Wonderful, personal friend and doesn't see how anyone can take on her duties. She is highly respected in the Community and is objective. Mayor Eisenhauer apologized and stated Corporation Counsel Wesner advised him Alderman Puhr does have the ability to make an amendment when an amendment is already on the floor. Alderman Puhr moved to amend his motion to remove item 1-C Construction & Maintenance Manager and 1-d Human Relations Administrator for a separate vote, seconded by Alderman Cooper. Alderman Puhr feels the education and testing that has been achieved with the middle management positions has saved the City millions of dollars and is opposed to eliminate the Construction & Maintenance Manager. Alderman Pickering questioned how this would affect her motion and Mayor Eisenhauer stated she would have to vote "no" on the amendment to go back to the original amendment. Alderman McMahon stated she does not believe the cuts proposed on this resolution are the ones that should be eliminated. She feels the Administration has already made cuts. She voiced appreciation to Alderman Williams for his Work on the ordinance. Alderman Williams stated his proposed cuts would be in addition to the Administration's cuts. Vice Mayor Brown feels that we need to cut, but has read the other cuts and other adjustments provided in the memo from the Mayor and feels considering not removing any of these positions. Alderman Davis stated when the form of government changed we asked for a Human Relations Office.
The roll call vote on the amended motion to remove Item 1-c Construction & Maintenance Manager and Item 1-d Human Relations Administrator from the ordinance being:
Ayes: Aldermen Duncheon, Stone, Strebing, O'Kane, Cooper, Puhr, Foster
Nays: Aldermen Davis, McMahon, Williams, Pickering, Randle, Nichols, Brown Motion failed 7 to 7.
After the roll call vote, Mayor Eisenhauer announced he did not vote to break the tie because he Would encourage the opposition of the Ordinance as a Whole.
Alderman Randle stated it is important to note the challenge put before Alderman Williams was to bring forth a proposal that would reduce the cost of operating this business and at the end of the day We have applauded the Administration for the cuts they have made, the technology improvements that have reduced the cost of doing business, We talked about all types of synergies increasing skill sets for employees, getting more work out of people at a lower cost to the City, the issues around increasing the ordinances so we can hold people more accountable to clean up our City. He stated take out the personal part of identifying a person in a position because it is irrelevant. The relevancy in this is to drive down the cost of doing business in the City and that is the difficult task. He is a former Human Relations Commission member and Human Relations Commission Chairman and am also aware of how this community has fallen short to live up to its expectations to give everyone equal opportunities and that is a major problem in our community. He added no one wants to eliminate a position, but he wants us to be responsible in driving down the costs to this city and it has to come from everywhere and no one can be left out and no one can be untouched and it has to be done. He also stated in reference to the Mayor's letter regarding everyone having to participate in driving down the cost of doing business in the City. In the Mayor's handout on page 2 there is a comment "if mowing non-city owned lots are so important to the Aldermen, there are ways to potentially generate the funding without punishing a group of our employees to do so." Alderman Randle stated if there are ways to drive down the cost without punishing employees let's make Sure, while We are doing that, for the city employees, because I feel like, the issue that came before the Council, is opening up your contract and if there are ways to drive down the cost, let's put it on the table. He doesn't Want to ever see an opportunity for us as Aldermen to skirt a policy that bypasses the capability of a union to successfully negotiate a position with the City and feels that is unfair. It is imperative that, as We look at the cuts, we don't personalize it, but we are mindful We have a sworn duty to insure this community is getting the best possible bang for the taxpayer dollars that We are asking them to give. Alderman Williams stated sometimes putting the spotlight on things makes sure that they are done correctly. The roll call vote on the first amendment to remove Item 1-d Human Relations Administrator being:
Ayes: Aldermen Davis, Stone, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Foster, Duncheon
Nays: Aldermen McMahon, Williams, Randle, Cooper, Puhr, Nichols, Brown Motion failed 7 to 8 with Mayor voting no.
There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being on the original ordinance:
Ayes: Aldermen Williams, Strebing, Pickering, Randle
Nays: Aldermen O'Kane, Cooper, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone Motion failed 4 to 10.
After the roll call vote, Mayor Eisenhauer reminded Aldermen there should never be any discussion of any filings with any Federal or State entities or any pending lawsuits.
#11.Taxlevy And Downtown Danville Inc. Budget
Mayor Eisenhauer presented items 11-A through 11-K for a single vote. There being no objections, Alderman Foster moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval of all eleven items, seconded by Alderman Stone. Those items being:
#11-A. Ordinance No. 9121 approving the 2017 Tax Levy of $6,600,875.00, an increase of 10.85% over last year, assuming an Assessed Value of $291,471.00, for an estimated Tax Rate of $2.2647;
#11-B.Ordinance No. 9122 abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2007 General
Obligation Bonds in the amount of $48,146.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Fund;
#11-C.Ordinance No. 9123 abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2007 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $58,954.00 from the Solid Waste Fund;
#11-D.Ordinance No. 9124 abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2007 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $96,263.00 from the Community Reinvestment Fund;
#11-E. Ordinance No. 91.25 abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2007 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $162,284.00 from the Capital improvements Fund;
#11-F.Ordinance No. 91.26 abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2009 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $72,275.00 from the Community Reinvestment Fund;
#11-G.Ordinance No. 9127 abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2009 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $49,000.00 from the Capital improvements Fund;
#11-H. Ordinance No. 9128 abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2009 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $271,822.00 from the Infrastructure Development and Improvement Program Fund;
#11-1. Ordinance No. 9129 approving the 2017 Levy and Assessment of Taxes for Special Service Area Number One - Downtown Danville Inc. in the amount of $38,763.00;
#11-J. Ordinance No. 9130 establishing the Budget for calendar year 2018 for Special Service Area Number One - Downtown Danville Inc. in the amount of $132,850.00; and
#11-K.Ordinance No. 9131 approving the Levy and Extension of Taxes within Special Service Area Number Two-Expanded in the amount of $28,126.02, at a rate of $30.00 per acre, for the year 2017, payable in 2018.
Alderman Puhr questioned looking at eliminating public safety pension fee and only raising property tax. He knows not everyone would pay it. Mayor Eisenhauer it would not be possible to amend it on the floor this evening because you would be raising the property tax so there Would have to be a posting of that for fourteen days. Alderman Cooper is in support of that too. Alderman Nichols stated the property tax is not evenly distributed and will not be supporting it. Alderman Duncheon Voiced concern with the lack of reserve. Alderman Foster stated historically he has always voted no on a property tax increase, but he has heard positives on the budget and Spread it out among the community. Alderman McMahon stated the landlords have sat in our meetings and supported Our plan so why would we change it. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Pickering, O'Kane, Cooper Nays: Aldermen Williams, Strebing, Randle, Puhr, Nichols Motion Carried 9 to 5.
#12. Ordinance: Amending Chapter 117 Of City Code Pertaining To Public Safety Pension Fee
#12-A. Mayor Eisenhauer presented ORDINANCE NO. 9132 amending Chapter 117 of the City Code Pertaining to Public Safety Pension Fee, effective March 1, 2018, establishing a flat-fee of $267.00 annually for all residential structures and any structure less than 5,000 square feet and allow for a 50% reduction for anyone receiving a senior, veteran, or disabled exemption on their property tax; for properties in excess of 5,000 square feet, a flat-fee of $600.00 annually for properties less than $50,000.00 net taxable value while a flat fee of $1,020.00 annually for those properties with a net taxable value of greater than $50,000.00. Alderman Strebing moved for approval, seconded by Alderman Cooper. Alderman O'Kane voiced concern that many people will not be able to afford the fee increase. Alderman Pickering stated she did not want to vote for the increase, but feels the increase is needed for the pensions. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, Randle, Cooper, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone
Nays: Aldermen Williams, Strebing, O'Kane, Puhr, Nichols
Motion Carried 9 to 5.
#13 Approval Of Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 2018-2019
Mayor Eisenhauer presented the 2018-2019 Budget totaling $56,781,676.00 minus departmental transfers of $5,807,060.00 for a grand total of $50,974,617.00, for approval, beginning May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019, as was presented and placed on public display November 21, 2017. Alderman Strebing moved to approve as presented, seconded by Alderman Cooper. Alderman Duncheon questioned why this has to be done now and Mayor Eisenhauer responded we are doing this now so the discussion with the budget and the tax levy and the public safety pension fee were done at the same time. The budget itself is balanced so with the passage of the tax levy and public safety pension fee to support the property tax levy we also have a budget that is balanced. It can be amended and the other reason is there are some reorganizational changes within the next few months. Alderman Foster questioned what date can amendments be offered up to and Mayor Eisenhauer responded April 30, 2019. Alderman Foster would like to discuss what to do with mowing of vacant lots. There being no further questions, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, O'Kane, Randle, Cooper, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Davis, McMahon, Stone
Nays: Aldermen Pickering, Duncheon, Williams
Motion Carried 11 to 3.
#14. Zoning Petitions - none
[Mayor Eisenhauer announced Alderman Randle was excused from the meeting at 8:35 p.m. before presentation of the next item.) IAlderman Strebing left the dais at 8:36 p.m. during presentation of the next item.]
#15. Payroll
Mayor Eisenhauer presented Payrolls for November 22, 2017, of $541,576.83, and for December 1, 2017, of $74,592.21. Vice Mayor Brown moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Cooper. There being no questions, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, O'Kane, Cooper, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams
Nays: None
Absent: Aldermen Randle, Strebing
Motion Carried 12 to 0. With 2 absent.
#16. Schedule Of Wouchers Payable
Mayor Eisenhauer presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable, having been published, posted, and distributed, for November 28, 2017, of $21,449.59, and for December 5, 2017 of $922,293.21. Alderman Cooper moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Puhr. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Cooper, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Pickering
Nays: None
Absent: Aldermen Randle, Strebing
Motion Carried 12 to 0 With 2 absent.
#17. Public Works Committee Report
#17-A. Items of Information
Chairman Puhr announced the next Public Works Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
#18. Public Services Committee Report
#18-A.Chairman Nichols presented RESOLUTION NO. 2017-124 authorizing a Budget Amendment in the Finance Division (011) budget to increase Auditing in the amount of $10,000.00, with the funds to Come from General Fund Reserve, moved for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Vice Mayor Brown. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Cooper, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Pickering, O'Kane
Nays: None
Absent: Aldermen Randle, Strebing
Motion Carried 12 to 0. With 2 absent.
[Alderman Strebing returned to the dais at 8:39 p.m. during presentation of the next item.]
#18-B. Chairman Nichols presented RESOLUTIONNO. 2017-125 approving Utilization of CDBG Economic Development Funding for Vermilion Valley Produce Project at 310 South Street, moved for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Puhr. Mayor Eisenhauer stated Vicki Haugen, CEO of Vermilion Advantage attended the Committee meeting last week, but this evening she was not feeling well and wanted to pass along her apologies for not being present.. Alderman Williams stated this is a great project and in the past has supported to use CDBG dollars for economic expansion, but he feels we have not received the return on investment that we thought We Would in terms of jobs. He feels CDBG funds should help poor individuals. Vice Mayor Brown stated she knew two people who were out of Work and have been hired by this company so she will be supporting the project. Alderman McMahon stated the expansion will add to the area and will also add five new jobs so she will be supporting the project. Alderman Strebing voiced support for the project, is thrilled this will help keep the business in town, hopes it will spur a little bit more of resurfacing of College Street and will be voting "yes". After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Cooper
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Randle
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
#18-C.Chairman Nichols presented Resolution no. 2017-126 authorizing Application of IHDA (Illinois Housing Development Authority) for Funds for Securing, Maintaining and Demolishing Abandoned Properties, requesting up to $75,000.00 under Round 3, moved for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Cooper, Puhr
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Randle
Motion Carried 13 to 0 With 1 absent.
#18-D.Chairman Nichols presented Ordinance No. 9133 amending Chapter 115 of City Code Pertaining to Transient Merchants and Itinerant Vendors, moved for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Cooper. Corporation Counsel Wesner explained he has reviewed case law and the door-to-door aspect has always been considered to be a first amendment privilege for citizens. There are two aspects of this: 1) remove itinerant photographers, and 2) adding the term solicitors. This is geared toward the idea of business and we can never completely stop the non profits and religious organizations from going door-to-door. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Cooper, Puhr, Nichols
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Randle
Motion Carried 13 to 0 With 1 absent.
#18-E. Items Of Information
[The next Public Services Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 27, 2017 at 6:00 р.m.]
#19. Items Of Information
•Alderman Davis voiced concern of a statement made by the editor of the Commercial-News stating there is a lot of crime going on in Danville and a lot of shootings going on and the editor stated in the article no one is saying anything and questioning where are the leaders and why aren't people speaking up. You all know I speak up and the person that covers the Commercial News hears me all of the time. The Three Kings resented it, as an aldermen and a minister resent it. He also announced there will be a Conference on Crime at the Second Church of Christ on Friday, December 8th.
•Alderman Williams voiced appreciation, on behalf of Project Success, to those who donated to the 180 students selected from the Christmas Wish List Program.
•Alderman Foster thanked Alderman Williams for his Work on the cuts and a number of Some of the things you have recommended in the past are gone now so you have not failed Completely.
•Mayor Eisenhauer thanked the Council for the Work they have done on the Tax Levy and Budget over the last three to four months and stated it is a step in the right direction to address pensions and put the City on track to finally meet an obligation that has "been held over our head for a very long time", and the City still has a lot of Work to still do Over the Course of the next 22 years to bring that plan to a reality, buttonight was a great step. He also thanked Gayle Lewis, Budget Director and Shelley Scott, City Comptroller for their Work on the budget. He voiced appreciation to the individuals who came to speak this evening as they are part of the process. The next generation of Danvillians will greatly appreciate not having a $105 million dollar obligation hanging over their heads.
#20. Closed Session
Was not needed.
#21. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 8:55 p.m. following a motion by Alderman Strebing and a second by Alderman Pickering.