
Chambana Sun

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Bismarck Henning Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met November 13.

Webp meeting 04

Bismarck Henning Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met November 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Bismarck-Henning Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School Governing Board was called to order by: Tim Thornsbrough at 7:02 p.m. in the Ellen R. Morris Board Room. The following members were in attendance: Steve Lane, Tim Thornsbrough, Cheryl Brumett, Robert Danner and John Petersen. Also in attendance was Scott Watson, BH superintendant and Dr. Johnson, superintendant of Rossville-Alvin.

Motion made by Steve Lane and second by Cheryl Brumett to approve agenda for the November board meeting. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Audience members present were: Brent Rademacher, Rochelle Edwards, Jeff Beukelman and Jim Ribbe.

Motion was made by John Petersen and second by Robert Danner to approve the governing board minutes for October 10, board meeting. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Motion was made by Cheryl Brumett and second by John Petersen to approve bills. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Mr. Rademacher announced we have twelve students who should graduate early.

There was discussion on how to charge each school district to account for early graduates. It was decided that for now the enrollment number should remain constant. Motion was made by John Petersen and second by Cheryl Brumett. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Graduation is set for May 20. An Ag representative from the University of Illinois came to talk to students about different fields in agriculture and answered questions. Mr. Rademacher discussed grant for ag program that is available for ag employees for three years. Mr. Rademacher will find more information on a stipend for FFA program. Wyatt Edwards received the Sportsmanship award for the county in Football. BHRA volleyball team was runner up. The SAR award will go to Wyatt Edwards and the DAR award will go to Mikayla Harper. BHRA did a bake sale for a student who is very ill and unable to attend school, to raise funds to aide the family. We were pleased with the generosity of everyone, students, staff, parents of Bismarck and Rossville we raised over $1500.00 for the family!

Villa Grove High School is considering joining our conference, which would help our conference. Milford High School may not be able to have football team for the 2018 season.

Tom Johnson was voted Athletic Director of the year for Division 5 schools. Congratulations Tom!!

We also have a student who is auditioning for America’s got Talent on November 14 she will not find out any results until March.

Our SAT scores were 34% which seemed low but we have the top scores in Vermilion County.

Mr. Beukelman discussed all the events the Key Club are doing, Newell Township Historical Society Ice Cream Social, Kiwanis Pancake Day, VCCD Haunted Happenings, Joint Meeting with DHS Key Club, Blood Drive, Festival of trees- Princess Tea Party and the Polar Express. Upcoming events include: Wreaths

Across America, Bismarck Lions Club Pancake Day, Blood Drive in Feb.

Motion made by Steve Lane, second by Cheryl Brumett for 1% County Schools Facility Tax. Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.

We are still in process of getting bids on bleachers. We will do the tear down and foundation work.

Mr. Watson is looking into E-Pay to use. Parents could use this to pay for registration fees and lunches.

We can set it up with our own bank or with the State bank, who pays a higher interest rate. We can also transfer money from State Bank to our own Bank at any time.

VVEDS – Received newsletter for Nick Chatterton. Reports were provided, on each fall sport by Tom Johnson.

Personnel: Zane Witvoet who was employed by BHRA high school for a student in high school is going to grade school to help with a student at grade school, since the high school student is no longer attending school. Motion made by John Petersen and second by Steve Lane for Zane Witvoet to be released from BHRA in order to be employed by elementary school. Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.

Comments: Cheryl Brumett would like to see an overall Discipline Report.

Motion made by John Petersen and second by Cheryl Brumett to adjourn meeting at 7:50 p.m.

Motion carried by unanimous vote.
