
Chambana Sun

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Bismarck Henning Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met November 9.

Bismarck Henning Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met November 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1 was called to order by President, Dave Clapp at 7:00 p.m. in the Ellen R. Morris Board Room. The following members were in attendance:

Steve Lane Justin Watt Cheryl Brumett

Tricia Hagley Maridith Hearnley Ron Winkler

Dave Clapp

Audience members present were: Laura Girton, Rusty Campbell, and Jim Ribbe.

Motion by Ron Winkler, second by Steve Lane to approve the agenda of the November 9 regular board meeting. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Motion was made by Steve Lane, second by Tricia Hagley to approve the minutes of the October board meeting. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Motion by Justin Watt, second by Steve Lane to approve the bills of the month. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Activity fund balances were approved.

Motion by Ron Winkler, second by Tricia Hagley to approve the Old National Insurance renewal for worker's compensation with Zenith for $28,537. It will renew on 1/1/2018 and continue thru 1/1/2019. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Rusty Campbell, JH principal presented the monthly report. Mrs. Buyno took 18 students to Potomac for speech team competition. We received all firsts. The speech team will beat our next meeting to perform some of their speeches. DARE is going well. Graduation is January 11, 2018. Everyone is invited to attend. Fun Night is March 17, 2018. The JH Christmas concert is January 13 at 6:30 p.m. Grade school Christmas program is January 12 at 6:30 p.m. The junior high Booster club purchased 30 chrome books for student use. The junior high is having a Share Program on December 11 with Culver's restaurant. We will receive 20% of the proceeds raised that evening.

Tentative tax levy for 2018-19 extension was presented. The projected EAV is $79,513,969 based on assessor information. Motion by Steve Lane, second by Cheryl Brumett to approve tentative tax levy as presented. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Information was available on the 1% sales tax and how much money it would provide to the district. A motion was made by Ron Winkler, second by Cheryl Brumett to approve a resolution directing the Regional Superintendent to certify to the Vermilion County Clerk the question of imposing a 1% county school facility sales tax for submission to the voters of Vermilion County at the March 20, 2018 general primary election. Members of the Board of Education voted to adopt the resolution as presented by Steve Lane, Cheryl Brumett, Ron Winkler, Maridith Hearnley, Tricia Hagley, Just in Watt and Dave Clapp all voting AYE. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

E-pay discussion was presented. It is a program through the Illinois State Treasurer's office that would allow parents to make online payments for items such as lunches and some school fees. More information will be available in the future.

Motion by Cheryl Brumett, second by Tricia Hagley to approve the second reading of the FY2017 audit as presented. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Motion by Cheryl Brumett, second by Justin Watt to approve first reading of the necessary policies to comply with the mandatory full compliance meeting from the Regional office in February 2018. There are approximately 37 new or updated policies. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

A couple of companies have provided information on new bleachers for the football field. The board will talk to bleacher companies at the Annual School Board Convention in Chicago. There will be more information in December.

VASE had to replace the boiler for their building.

Did you know....

Tom Johnson received Athletic Director Award.

Motion by Steve Lane, second by Cheryl Brumett to approve the resignation of Tyler Ribbeas of November 2 as GS lunch scanner. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Motion by Tricia Hagley, second by Cheryl Brumett to approve the resignation of Kevin Graves as of November 10, 2017 as custodian for the 2017-18 school year. A certified letter will be sent to him. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Motion by Justin Watt, second by Steve Lane to approve Murad Abbed as volunteer 8th grade boys' basketball coach for the 2017-2018 school year. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Motion by Tricia Hagley, second by Ron Winkler to approve the transfer of Zane Witvoet as Personal aide at BHRA Cooperative High School to Personal aide for a Pre-K student at the Elementary school for the remainder of the 2017-2018 school year. If the student leaves, Zane Witvoet would be terminated. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Veteran's Day program will be presented at 2:00 p.m. on November 10, 2017.

Motion by Ron Winkler, second by Justin Watt to adjourn meeting at 8:10 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
