Urbana City Council met Oct. 2.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
1. September 18, 2017
C. Additions to the Agenda
D. Public Input
1. City Administrator Search Overview – Slavin Management Consultants
2. Storm Ready - Fire
E. Unfinished Business
F. Reports of Standing Committees
1. Committee of the Whole – (Alderman Bill Brown)
a. Resolution No. 2017-09-064R: A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (JAG Program) – Police
b. Ordinance No. 2017-09-054: An Ordinance Naming a Street, Avenue, Alley, or Other Public Place (Changing “North Lincoln Avenue” to “West Oaks Road”) – PW
c. Resolution No. 2017-09-065R: A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (Agreement for sewer system modeling) – PW
d. Ordinance No. 2017-09-055: An Ordinance Amending Urbana City Code
Section 3-8 (Liquor Delivery) – Legal
G. Reports of Special Committees
H. Reports of Officers
I. New Business
1. Ordinance No. 2017-10-056: An Ordinance Approving A Major Variance ((711 East Kettering Park Drive / ZBA Case No. 2017-MAJ-04) – CD
2. Ordinance No. 2017-10-057: An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map of The City of Urbana, Illinois (Rezoning of a 3.86-acre parcel at 1303 Cunningham Avenue from R-4, Medium Density Multiple-Family Residential to B-3, General Business – Plan Case 2312-M-17 / Cunningham Children’s Home) – CD
3. Mayoral Appointment to Boards and Commissions
a. Sustainability Advisory Commission
1. Claire Autumn Johnson – term ending 06/30/19
J. Adjournment