
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Sidney Board of Trustees met March 6.

Village of Sidney Board of Trustees met March 6.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

The Sidney Village Board met on the above date for the regular monthly meeting.  President White called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.   The following trustees were present:  Arrasmith, Roberts, and Schluter.  Village Clerk Moore,  Supervisor of Operations Bennett, Attorney Marc Miller, and Treasurer Reinhart  were also present.  Trustees McCloud, Finn, and  Cokley were absent.

Trustee Arrasmith moved that the minutes of the February 6, 2017, Board of Trustees regular meeting be approved.   Trustee Roberts seconded the motion.  The motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote with President White also voting aye.




There were no public comments.




President White reported that he had received a letter of resignation from Trustee Eric Cokley.  Trustee Schluter moved that the Board accept the letter of resignation of    Trustee Cokley from the Village of Sidney Board of Trustees.  Trustee Arrasmith seconded the motion; motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote with President White also voting aye.  President White then appointed Tyler Bickers to the Village Board.  Trustee Arrasmith moved that the Board of Trustees approve the appointment of Tyler Bickers as Trustee of the Village of Sidney.  Trustee Roberts seconded the motion; motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote with President White also voting aye.  Clerk Moore then administered the oath of office to Tyler Bickers, and Trustee Bickers was seated.


President White reported that Custodian Tom Talbott had resigned.  Mallory Seidlitz, Sidney Library Director, proposed that the Village and Library hire one custodian so that the person would have more hours.  Supervisor Bennett had been told that summer help Logan Snodgrass was interested, so he will check with Logan.  If Logan is not interested, the Library has a person who is.


President White reported that in the recent events in Sidney, the County Sheriff's department responded very quickly.  The sheriff had also called President White and reported what had happened before it appeared in the newspaper the next day.


The vote to pay the application fee for Brett Bennett was tabled until next month.




Attorney Miller presented the letter he had been directed by the Board to send to a resident on Main Street asking that he stop discharging water onto Main Street. The Board is concerned that the resident has now sold his property and if the buyer is aware of the problem.  Attorney Miller will contact the realtor.




Supervisor Bennett presented three bids for a trailer to haul the lawn mower:  Wolf Grain, $1,700-1,900 not including title and license; Farm 'n' Fleet, $1,500 not including title and license; and Johnson Trailer, Ogden, $1,498 including title and license.  Trustee Arrasmith moved that the Village accept the low bid of Johnson Trailer, Ogden, and allot $1,500 for the purchase.  Trustee Roberts seconded the motion; the motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.


April 29 is the date set for Dumpster Day from 7-11 a.m.  Supervisor Bennett will present the price for the dumpsters at the next meeting.  Usually six dumpsters are needed.

Logan Snodgrass will again be the summer help and he will also help at Dumpster Day.

No action taken on the Library railing as more information is needed.




The financial reports were read by Treasurer Reinhart.  Trustee Arrasmith moved that the bills be paid with the additions of $265 to Stewart and Stewar for jetting tiles on Byron, $42.19 to Premier Cooperative, and $150 to Sanderson Tree Service for emergency limb removal.  Trustee Schluter seconded the motion.  The motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.



Engineer Dennis Cummins reported that he is working on the numbers for the MFT program.  There will be a resolution next month.



2,349,614gallons of water were pumped in February with a daily average of 83,914 gallons.

$19,560.29 was received in February with $59.99 in sewer planning money. 97 penalty bills were sent.

Supervisor Bennett and Maintenance Assistant Brett Bennett went to a show in Effingham for electronic water reading systems.

Dennis Cummins and Mike Friend from the Farnsworth Group to answer any questions about the water rate study proposal. The cost for this study would be $7,990 with $150 in estimated expenses, which includes the hourly rate for the engineers.  This is just for the water study and the Board is not obligated to stay with Farnsworth for further work.  After discussion, Trustee Roberts moved that the Village of Sidney employ Farnsworth Group for a water rate study for an amount not to exceed $8,150.  Trustee Arrasmith seconded the motion; the motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.  All options will be looked at, including selling the water system if it is not financially feasible to maintain the Village's own system.




No building permits were issued in February.

Kevin Sanderson still has to take down the tree at 202 East Main.

Nothing to report on the building or ESDA.




Trustee Bickers reported that 112 children signed up for the ball programs, more than last year.  The Philo and Sidney ball programs are holding a dinner and raffle on June 3 from 5-9 p.m.  300 tickets will be sold at a cost of $100 a ticket.

The cost for a food handler's class is $185 for an 8-hour class and then a $36 licensing fee.




Dan Moisson reviewed the Village's home page and updated it.




Trustee Arrasmith moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Trustee Roberts seconded the motion; motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote. Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.