Chad Johnson, Sheriff | Ford County Chronicle Facebook
Chad Johnson, Sheriff | Ford County Chronicle Facebook
Ford County Board Sheriff & Property Committee met Dec. 4
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Sheriff and Property Committee met in the Sheriff’s Boardroom at the Jail on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 9:00 A.M. Roll Call showed the following in attendance: Mr. C. Vaughn, MR. Ferguson, Mrs. Mussman and Mr. Nuss. Also, in attendance were Sheriff Johnson and Clerk & Recorder Frederick. Coroner Roderick, and Mr. May were not present.
Mr. Ferguson made the motion to approve the Agenda. Mrs. Mussman seconded it.
Voice Vote – Carried
Mr. Ferguson made the motion to that all submitted claims be recommended to the full board for payment. Mr. Nuss seconded it.
Roll Call – Unanimous
The committee briefly went through Coroner Roderick’s monthly report.
The Sheriff Johnson briefly went through his annual and monthly reports.
Sheriff Johnson briefly spoke about the boiler computer system.
Mr. Nuss made the motion to pass 2 Resolutions onto the full board for consideration for Law Enforcement Services with the Villages of Elliott and Piper City. Mrs. Mussman seconded it.
Voice Vote – Carried
For Safety report Sheriff Johnson updated the committee on the camera project.
Mr. Ferguson moved to adjourn. Mr. Nuss seconded it.
Voice Vote – Carried
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A.M.