
Chambana Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Urbana Committee of the Whole met Aug. 5

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Christopher Evans, Urbana City Council Member - Ward 2 | City of Urbana Website

Christopher Evans, Urbana City Council Member - Ward 2 | City of Urbana Website

City of Urbana Committee of the Whole met Aug. 5

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

ELECTED OFFICIALS PHYSICALLY PRESENT: Diane Wolfe Marlin, Mayor; Darcy Sandefur, City Clerk; CM Maryalice Wu, CM Christopher Evans, CM Jaya Kolisetty, CM Chaundra Bishop, CM Grace Wilken, CM James Quisenberry


STAFF PRESENT: Ibrahim Ouedraogo, Breaden Belcher, Matthew Roeschley, Will Kolschowsky, Seok Hyun Cho, Carol Mitten, Kevin Garcia, Scott Tess


Chair: Christopher Evans, Ward 2

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

With a quorum present, Chair Evans called the meeting of the Urbana City Council to order at 7:05p.m.

2. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting


3. Additions to the Agenda


4. Presentations and Public Input

a. Public Input

Phyllis Williams stated she was a member of the Plan Commission when the Comprehensive Plan was forward to Council that recommended the B-3U zoning meant to address the disappearing residential neighborhoods west of Lincoln Avenue. Noted that the intended development has not occurred and instead 3 story apartment buildings were constructed without spaces for businesses and were intentionally created to be 3 stories and not higher to avoid having to install elevators. Shared that she had spoken in favor of 85 feet height limitations, an increase of 10 feet from the current limitation of 75 feet, for developments in the area at the July 18th Plan Commission meeting. Also encouraged the commission to consider a PUD proposal for Urbana. Urged City Council to respect the Plan Commission’s decision to set the height restriction for developments to 85 feet.

5. Staff Report


6. New Business

a. Ordinance No. 2024-08-27: An Ordinance Authorizing a First Amendment to Option to Lease Agreement – Landfill Solar Lease – PW

Presented by Scott Tess, Sustainability & Resilience Officer. The ordinance seeks to allow TotalEnergies Distributed Generation USA, LLC (Total) to lease 24 acres of land known as the “Urbana Landfill Complex” to construct solar power generating facilities on that property. Scott Tess stated the purpose of the ordinance is to move toward developing a second solar array in Urbana over a closed landfill. Stated an installer has been competitively selected and a lease option has been entered with them, but is currently coming to an end. Shared that the developer has met expectations in developing a second solar array, but the project is waiting on incentives from the State of Illinois and is requesting an extension of the lease option to allow for the incentives to be received. Stated that the developers have fully paid for engineering, an interconnection study, and financing. Stated the first landfill solar development took 4 years to energization and it seems as though the current development will reach energization in under 4 years given the current timeline of events.

Motion to approve to the consent agenda by CM Bishop, seconded by CM Quisenberry.

Voice Vote:

AYE: Wu, Evans, Hursey, Kolisetty, Bishop, Wilken

NAY: None.

b. Ordinance No. 2024-08-28: An Ordinance Amending the Urbana Zoning Ordinance - Replace B-3U with CMU Zoning District and Update Development Regulations / Plan Case No. 2485-T-24 – CD

Presented by Kevin Garcia, Principal Planner & Zoning Administrator. The ordinance seeks to replace the B-3U (General Business, University) zoning district with the CMU (Campus Mixed-Use) zoning district, and update the development regulations of the new district to better align with the Comprehensive Plan. Kevin Garcia stated the text amendment to the zoning ordinance would replace the B-3U with CMU and update development regulations to make the district perform as was originally intended to be a high-density, pedestrian-oriented district. Stated the Plan Commission reviewed the text amendment on the 11th and 18th of July and unanimously voted to send it to City Council with recommendation for approval. Provided a background and history of the district, sharing a map displaying the location and current zoning of the district. Spoke on the current land use of the district and shared a map illustrating the land use of the area. Stated the district has underperformed since its inception in 1990 as the intent was for it to contain offices, businesses, and high-density residentials near the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign (UIUC) campus. Stated the current land use is solely residential, but has two churches within it. Provided photos displaying the current state of the district and what the text amendment is designed to address. Spoke on the state of parking, alleys, sidewalks, street trees, buildings, visible waste, visible mechanical equipment, and greenery within the area. Shared the additional regulations in the CMU district that the text amendment would add. Stated that a reduction in parking requirements has been proposed for the district to eliminate barriers to ideal developments for the area. Stated the Plan Commission recommended that the height of principal structure be limited to 85 feet, but staff continues to support a height limitation of 120 feet. Stated the goal of the text amendment is to increase the amount of high-density housing in the area. Requested Council approve the zoning text amendment and also determine the appropriate maximum height for the district. Questions and discussion followed.

Motion to approve to the consent agenda by CM Bishop, seconded by CM Kolisetty.

Voice Vote:

AYE: Evans, Hursey, Kolisetty, Bishop, Wilken


i. Motion to amend the parking requirement beginning after 20 bedrooms to begin after 10 bedrooms instead by CM Wu, seconded by CM Quisenberry. Questions and discussion ensued.

1. Motion to change the amendment to require 2 parking spaces between 12-20 bedrooms by CM Wu, seconded by CM Quisenberry

ii. Motion to amend the parking requirement to require 2 parking spaces for a property when it is between 12 to 20 bedrooms by CM Wu, seconded by CM Quisenberry.

Questions and discussion followed.

Roll Call Vote:

AYE: Wu, Quisenberry

NAY: Evans, Kolisetty, Bishop, Wilken

iii. Motion to amend the maximum height for a building to 120 feet instead of 85 feet by CM Bishop, seconded by CM Kolisetty. Questions and discussion followed.

Roll Call Vote:

AYE: Evans, Kolisetty, Bishop

NAY: Wu, Quisenberry


7. Council Input and Communications

Mayor Marlin shared that the all of the organizations and individuals invited to participate in the alternative response task force have accepted the invitations, with the exception of two organizations who have not yet responded. Stated that the next steps will be to reach out to the organizations that have not yet responded and will involve internally sorting meeting logistics as well as having BerryDunn contact those on the task force. Thanked Breaden Belcher for his service as the internal coordinator of the task force.

8. Adjournment

With no further business before the committee of the whole Chair Evans adjourned the meeting at 8:17 p.m.
