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Village of Rossville Police, Health & Safety Committee met Jan. 24.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
A quorum was established as Chairman Black and Trustees Gammon, Richison and Cornell were physically present at the committee meeting held at the Rossville Municipal Building, located at 120 East Attica Street in Rossville, Illinois. Guests present were Mayor Queen, Clerk White and Chief Greene.
Chairman Black called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to review/approve past minutes, outstanding ordinance violations, December review of Police actions, 214 E. Attica status-Sept. 5 to resolve then December 5th court date, vehicle status for auction, December/January FTO update, Flock Camera repair update, 2024 holidays (Police Schedule), vehicle maintenance (Oil change), grant discussion, Evidence locker, training classes for officers, Comp Time and Trash Can Enforcement.
Motion was made by Cornell, seconded by Gammon to dispense with the reading of the minutes dated December 6, 2023, and approve them as presented. Vote: Gammon, yes; Black, yes; Cornell, yes; Richison, yes.
Outstanding ordinance violations and Police Actions: Chief Greene reviewed ordinance violations and police actions for the month.
214 E. Attica – Chief Greene reported the occupants are still being fined per day. The judge explained to Chief Greene that the occupants must be fined not the owner.
FTO update – Chief Greene reported Officer Soderstrom will be released on his own February 8th due to holidays and time off. Chief Greene stated Officer Soderstrom needs to complete 20 working days of FTO training from Chief Greene.
Flock Camera repair update – Chief Greene reported the Village will receive a $3,000 credit on the FLOCK account due to repairs needing to be made to the FLOCK cameras. Due to cloudy weather conditions and FLOCK cameras operating on solar power, the cameras work a few days then don’t work. Trustee Gammon will contact Hoopeston Police Chief Kelnhofer to see if they are having problems with their FLOCK cameras.
2024 holidays (Police Schedule) – Chief Greene has offered officers shifts on holidays. If no one picks up the holiday shifts, the shift will be assigned.
Grant Discussion – Trustee Gammon is working on a third grant for assistance replacing 25 fire hydrants. Chief Greene stated the FLEET cameras arrived.
Trustee Gammon requested the serial numbers for the FLEET cameras and body cameras so she can finish the grant application. Trustee Gammon is waiting on 1 more letter for the grant for the pond.
Training Classes – Chief Greene gave committee members a copy of the course schedule for training classes in 2024. Trustee Gammon asked if there is a way that the classes can be split so 2 officers can attend a class and leave 2 officers to cover the town. Chief Greene stated it depends on how often the class is being offered. If the class is a required class and only being offered 1 time per year, all officers would need to attend the class. Chief Green will prepare a list of classes and who needs which class and give a copy to committee members.
Comp Time – Chief Greene stated officers have been allowed to take an alternate day off if they work a holiday rather than comp time. Committee members prefer to keep giving alternate days off instead of comp time.
Trash Can Enforcement – Trustee Black stated some residents keep their trash cans to the curb the entire week, which is a violation of Village ordinances. Clerk White explained, per Village ordinance, the trash cans may be placed curbside after 6 pm the evening before the scheduled pickup and must be removed from curbside prior to 6 pm the evening of pickup. Chief Greene will have the officers observe areas for violators.
Trustee Black and Trustee Gammon wanted to look at the evidence locker to see what can be improved to keep the smell of evidence from wafting through the village office. Chief Greene stated that would not be possible since that would change the chain of evidence. Chief Greene suggested searching for airtight containers to place the evidence that has an odor. Chief Greene will present a quote at the next Police, Health & Safety Committee meeting.
PNT Ordinances - Chief Greene would like the Committee to consider adding the following violations to the PNT ordinances:
Violations of OP 720 ILCS 5/12-3.4
Battery 720 ILCS 5/12-3
Disorderly Conduct 720 ILCS 5/26-1
Retail Theft 720 ILCS 5/16-25
Aggravated Battery 720 ILCS 5/12-13.05
Burglary 720 ILCS 5/19-1
Theft 720 ILCS 5/16-1
Chief Greene will contact the Village attorney via email to see if this can be done legally. Trustee Black can prepare the ordinance.
Chief Greene and other officers will attend the Illinois Vehicle Code class in Champaign on February 8-9. Chief Greene will not attend the February 27 & 28th classed but the other officers will attend. Nor will she attend the CIT training in May. Officers will attend the Breath Alcohol Testing class to be held on February 29th.
Motion was made by Black, seconded by Gammon to adjourn the meeting. Vote: Gammon, yes; Black, yes; Cornell, yes; Richison, yes. The meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m.