
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Danville Board of Fire & Police Commissioners met Feb. 7

City of Danville Board of Fire & Police Commissioners met Feb. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Members Present: Amy Hoose, DrStephen Nacco, Larry Fredericks, Bethany Hager, and George Dowell 

Members Absent: None

Staff Members Present: Police Chief Chris Yates, and Fire Chief Aaron Marcott

Others Present: 

Interim Chairperson Hoose called the Board Meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. Roll call was taken, all members present.

THE MINUTES: Commissioner Larry Fredericks motioned to approved the minutes of the regular meeting held January 3rd 2023, seconded by Commissioner George Dowell. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays: the motion was so ordered.

THE AGENDA: Commissioner Stephen Nacco requested to add the vote on the CHAIRPERSON and VICE CHAIRPERSON. Commissioner Beth Hager motioned to approve the modification, seconded by Commissioner George Dowell. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays: the motion was so ordered.


MAYOR’S COMMENTS: Busy in a meeting but is available by text. Acknowledged the boards hard and devoted work.

CHAIRPERSON COMMENTS: Sent out the mockup of the plaque for resigned Commissioner Frank Brunacci for approval. It was approved. Amy will request it be finalized. Discussed how to present it to him.

CORPORATION COUNSEL: Commissioner Dr. Stephen Nacco nominated Interim CHAIRPERSON Amy Hoose for CHAIR, seconded by Commissioner George Dowell. Commissioner Dr. Stephen Nacco nominated Commissioner Larry Fredericks for VICE CHAIRPERSON, seconded by Commissioner George Dowell. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays: the motion was so ordered. Discussed and Voted on the proposed change of rules presented by Chief Yates. Commissioner Dr. Stephen Nacco motioned to accept the changes, seconded by Commissioner Larry Fredericks. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays: the motion was so ordered.

CLOSED SESSION: No closed session


PROMOTIONS: Commissioner Stephen Nacco motioned to promote Chris McMahon to Danville Fire Captain, seconded by Commissioner Beth Hager. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays: the motion was so ordered.

Commissioner Stephen Nacco motioned to promote Shawn Pasley to Danville Fire Lieutenant, seconded by Commissioner George Dowell. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays: the motion was so ordered.


Chief Marcott: Presented the signed approvals from Mayor Williams for the promotions. Presented the new list for hiring. Commissioner Larry Fredericks motioned to accept the list, seconded by Commissioner George Dowell. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays: the motion was so ordered.

The list is in the order of the test scores and is good for two (2) years. Chief Marcott request five (5) new hires plus two (2) alternates. Requesting their start date be February 13th, 2023. Stated he is not yet able to make an Assistant chief appointment at this time because no current candidates meet the requirements set by CBA. Commissioner Larry Fredericks motioned to hire five (5) and two (2) alternate firefighters, seconded by George Dowell. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays: the motion was so ordered.

Chief Yates: Presented the proposal of the changes to the Board of Fire and Police rules. Advised Mayor Williams agrees with the proposal and approved the changes. Is requesting them to coincide with the National Testing Network. 1) Match and be consistent with their rules. 2) Change the order of written and the physical agility testing. 3) Make the age (21) twenty-one when the candidate starts the academy. 4) Recommending the change of the college credit hours to a point system. Stated all new hires go through the same training process. Stated he needs to hire five (5) new officers.

There being no further items to discuss, there was a motion by Commissioner Stephen Nocco to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:20 PM, seconded by Commissioner Beth Hager. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays: the motion was so ordered.
