
Chambana Sun

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Urbana City Council Committee of the Whole met March 21

City of Urbana City Council Committee of the Whole met March 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The City Council Committee of The Whole of the City of Urbana, Illinois, met in regular session at 7:00pm virtually via ZOOM.


ELECTED OFFICIALS VIRTUALLY PRESENT: CM Maryalice Wu, CM Christopher Evans, CM Shirese Hursey*, CM Jaya Kolisetty, CM Chaundra Bishop, CM Grace Wilken, CM James Quisenberry *Denotes arrival after roll call

ELECTED OFFICIALS ABSENT: Phyllis D. Clark, City Clerk

STAFF PRESENT: Darcy Sandefur, Carol Mitten, Bourema Ouedraogo, Dave Wesner, Sheila Dodd, Tim Cowan, Breaden Belcher,


Chair: Christopher Evans, Ward 2

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

With a quorum virtually present, Chair Evans called the meeting of the Committee of the Whole to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

a. March 7th, 2022

Presented by Chair Evans.

Motion to approve as corrected by CM Wilken and seconded by CM Wu.

Corrections were provided via email to council prior to meeting.

Vote by roll call:

AYE: Wu, Evans, Kolisetty, Bishop, Wilken, Quisenberry

NAY: None

3. Additions to the Agenda


4. Public Input and Presentations

a. ARPA Public Input

Motion to amend public input guidelines to prioritize ARPA comments first by CM Quisenberry and seconded by CM Kolisetty.

Vote by roll call:

AYE: Wu, Evans, Hursey, Kolisetty, Bishop, Wilken, Quisenberry

NAY: None

No APRA Public Input, Chair proceeded to regular Public Input.

b. Public Input

Dennis Roberts shared thoughts from Urbana sister City Committee, read a prepared statement. Spoke in support of promoting peace and the call by Sister Cities International Organization to continue membership amidst the global situation. Brandi McCoy appreciated the continuation of discussion on Council Goals. Thanked CM Wu for responding to questions asked about Policing in our community. Asked for clarity on status of previously proposed CPRB policy changes. Spoke in support of Urbana addressing food waste and plastic consumption. Allan Max Axelrod thanked CM Hursey for comments last week. Urged other ward alderpersons to support Dr. Ellis Subdivision drainage. Spoke in support of the match the mil campaign in support of workforce training programs. Shared a poem “Cause I aint got a pencil”. Eddie Pratt Jr. spoke in support of match the mil campaign in support of workforce training programs to address inequities. Discussed the various ways inequities have impacted the community and how investing into workforce training can help the community forward. Rev. Dr. Evelyn Underwood spoke in support of previous comments. Expressed disappointment about previous meeting presenting annual action plan. Asked about reinstituting the community investment act.

5. Staff Report

a. FY 2022/2023 Annual Action Plan Staff Report - CD

Presented by Community Development Director Sheila Dodd and Breaden Belcher of Community Development. Belcher shared a PowerPoint presentation updating the council on the Annual Action Plan process. Plan will be submitted to HUD for review as part of continual grant allocation to the City of Urbana. This plan outlines the activities in each program year and how the projects relate to goals established in action plan. City anticipates receiving $675,000 in grants. Plan will be brought before council for final approval in April. Belcher outlined the eligible activities for CDBG funds and possibly planned projects. Draft plan is available on the City website and also in print at the City Clerk’s office and Urbana Free Library for public inspection. Questions and discussion ensued.

6. Resolution No. 2022-03-024R: A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Volume Cap in Connection with Private Activity Bond Issues, Single-Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, and Related Matters (Private Bond Cap Allocation – Assist Programs, Series 2022) – CD

Presented by Sheila Dodd the Director of the Community Development Department. This item has previously been presented in both Committee and Council. Questions and discussion ensued.

Motion to approve to regular agenda by CM Wu and seconded by CM Hursey.

Further discussion ensued.

Vote by roll call:

AYE: Wu, Evans, Hursey, Quisenberry

NAY: Kolisetty, Bishop, Wilken

7. Resolution No. 2022-03-027R: A Resolution Amending the 2021 Capital Improvement Plan for Florida Avenue Federal RAISE Grant – PW

Presented by Public Works Director Tim Cowan. Shared screen with map indicating where this improvement would take place. Explained that City was informed of this grant opportunity to fund planned improvements. Inclusion in capital improvement plan strengthens the application for the grant. Questions and discussion ensued.

Motion to approve to regular agenda by CM Wilken and seconded by CM Bishop. Further discussion ensued.

Vote by roll call:

AYE: Wu, Evans, Hursey, Kolisetty, Bishop, Wilken, Quisenberry

NAY: None

8. Council Input and Communications

CM Quisenberry thanked staff for allowing remote participation while traveling for business. Expressed a shared understanding of CM Bishop for the funding breakdown. Expressed that ARPA funds should be used to address longstanding infrastructure issues. Mayor Marlin addressed the Dr. Ellis Subdivision drainage and sewage commentary. Council will be provided with additional information soon. CM Wilken brought attention to the City’s EQL (Equity and Quality of Life) program Inquired about the submission receipt. Asked about the timing of the upcoming ARPA listening session. Asked about passing a resolution relating to calling for peace for Ukraine.

9. Discussion

a. Continuing Conversation on Council Goals – CMs Wilken and Kolisetty

City Administrator Carol Mitten described the latest version of the action steps and strategies submitted to council. Council members asked for clarity on agreement procedures for approving goals. Council members asked about inclusion of ARPA funded items in goals. Proposal to remove Park District Wellness Center from goals. Point of order to refrain from motions or votes and sticking within confines of discussion. Proposal to do straw polls. See packet attachment for Council Goals Continuing Discussions for outline of Straw Polls below, final version will be brought at future meeting for final Council approval.

Area #1 Public Safety and Wellbeing:

1. Pursue Methods to Mitigate Community Violence:

a. “Remove specifically section and organizations, change to For Example: fund community partners who address community violence” (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

b. “Remove specifically section” (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

c. adding “i” for outline format where the no specifically is (AYE: 5 NAY: 1 via thumbs up)

- Removal of “short term” and “long term” titles under action 1 and 2 in this area. (AYE: 4 NAY: 2 via thumbs up)

2. Enhance and Expand Public Safety Resources

- For no change (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

3. Promote Community Well-Being

a. removing public health and replacing with “Fund and support community partners that promote health and wellness”

- Approve A as corrected and with B and C unchanged. (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up) Area #2 Housing

1.Support Housing Security and Equity

- For no change to A-D (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

2. Improve Housing Quality

- For no change (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

Area # 3 Infrastructure

1. Improve Quality of Current Infrastructure Assets

- For no change (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

2. Increase Investment in Infrastructure Equity

- For no change (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

3. Expand Green Infrastructure Within the Community

- For no change (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

Area #4 Economic Recovery/Development

1. Support Current Local Businesses

b. change to “survey local minority owned businesses to better understand their current challenges.”

c. changing number to “at least 50 units”

- With changes to B and C and no changes to A, D, E, and F. (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

2. Promote Workforce Development

- For no change (AYE: 5 NAY: 1 via thumbs up)

3. Recruit New Businesses and Industries

d. change to create an incentive package to attract grocery store and essential services to northwest Urbana, and moving to B.

- Noted changes to D (AYE: 6 NAY: 0 via thumbs up)

Council Priorities Marked for ARPA Funding (as of 2.22.22)

- Council decided it was not needed to review via straw poll as it was reviewed above.


With no further business before the committee of the whole Chair Evans adjourned the meeting at 10:10 PM
