City of Urbana Foreign Fire Insurance Board met Nov. 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order: 0740 Members present: Prendergast, Lane, Johnson, Thomas, Smith, Lauss
2. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting:
August minutes read, no additions or corrections. Motion to approve: Lauss, Second by Smith. Motion carries.
3. Approval of the Treasurer’s Report
Check was $86,333.85, $20,000 more than last year. Money Market $104,773.87. Checking $5340.10. Motion to approve: Lauss, Second by Prendergast. Motion carries.
4. Public Input
5. Old Business
a. Picture board: Mounted, PW did a nice job of mounting. Bridget and Kate have volunteered to take pictures for us. Chief wants Class A or B with ties. Will have short bios too.
b. Kitchen chairs Sta.1: No update
c. Vacuum cleaners: 2% will purchase at least one more.
d. Station 1 bay remodel: Still working on framing out some of the new lockers
6. New Business
a. Rolling tool boxes for initial issue: Have been ordering gear bags, lots of Candidates have their own toolboxes. The cost about the same as the gear bags. Candidates will have a choice of which they want.
b. Carport for Sta. 3: Trees are dropping sap on cars. $6644 for carport large enough for 3 cars. Discussion followed. 18-24 months for new stations to be built. Chief will approach the City about removing some of the trees. May look at purchasing individual car covers for some of the people stationed there.
Persons with disabilities needing special services or accommodations for this meeting should contact the City of Urbana's Americans with Disabilities Coordinator at 384-2466.
c. Sta. 1 dorm remodel: Chief reached out to Vince about getting the flooring replaced. Asbestos will need to be abated to replace flooring. Looking for new lockers, a window, new flooring, and pocket doors. Will work on a proposal for next meeting.
d. “Care packages”: Provide everyone with a bag with items such as a pen light, sweatshirt, clamps to hold open doors, extrication gloves, etc. About $200 per unit. Discussion followed. Item was tabled.
e. SCBA facepiece protectors: Proposal to outfit all members with SCBA facepiece protectors. Motion is made to spend up to $3700 for 70 facepiece protectors. Chief motions, Second by Prendergast. Motion carries.
f. Chore coats: Proposal to buy a chore coat for every person. Discussion followed. Motion to spend up to $10,000 to buy everyone a coat. Motion: Smith, Second by Johnson. Motion carries.
g. Replacement grill for Sta. 1: Proposal to replace the station 1 grill. $3000 to replace, it was $2100 when purchased. Motion to replace the drill. Motion: Lane, Second by Smith. Motion carries.
h. SENSIT Gold gas detectors: Proposal to purchase gas detectors that are the same as Ameren uses for the apparatus. Discussion followed. We can look at a grant for $1000. Chief said we have some money in the small tools budget. $9000 for all trucks, $4500 if we split with the City. We can talk to Ameren about doing the calibration and provide training. Motion is made to split the purchase with the City for up to $4500. Motion: Smith, Second by Lane. Motion carries.
7. For the Good of the Order
Hutch suggested buying webbing and rope for the new guys, 2 spools of webbing for $250 and 1 spool of rope for $212. Smith motions to spend up to $500, Lauss seconds. Motion carries.
Andy suggested buying new tool kits for the new engines, $200 each.
Lane got an email about replacing some mattresses. Put on agenda for February.
Lauss: Neon sign is back. It looks great. It cost less than expected. Chief is still trying to get the sign put up at station 1. If not at 1 it will be at one of the new stations.
8. Adjournment: 0914