Champaign County Environment and Land Use Committee met Oct. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members
Present | Absent |
Aaron Esry (Vice-Chair) | |
Stephanie Fortado | |
Mary King | |
Kyle Patterson | |
Jacob Paul | |
Chris Stohr | |
Eric Thorsland (Chair) |
Others Present: None
I. Call to Order
Committee Chair Thorsland called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
II. Roll Call
A verbal roll call was taken, and a quorum was declared present.
III. Approval of Agenda/Addendum
MOTION by Mr. Esry to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Stohr. Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously to approve the Agenda.
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. August 5, 2021
MOTION by Mr. Stohr to approve the minutes of the August 5, 2021 meeting, seconded by Ms. Fortado. Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
V. Public Participation
There was no public participation.
VI. Communications
Ms. Fortado took the opportunity to thank Ms. Monte for the work she’s done for the committee and for the work on the proposal for the Waste Management Facility ARPA request. She thought it was one the best written proposals she had seen. She also added that a grant writer has been added to the budget and we may be able to find grant money for the project.
VII. New Business: For Information Only
A. Online registration is open for Champaign County residents to register to attend the Residential Electronics Collection at Parkland College on 10/16/2021
Ms. Monte gave an update on the Recycling Event. Registration is open for about another week and there are still some spots available. You must register online for the event. Ms. Monte also thanked Two Men and a Truck for responding to her request to pick up large TV sets for a couple of elderly residents. She is coordinating that with them.
Ms. Fortado asked if there were many spots left. Ms. Monte said they allow for 1600 spots and most of those are filled.
VIII. New Business: Items to be Approved by ELUC
A. Proposed Work Plan for Completion of Champaign County Solid Waste Management Plan Five-Year Update.
Ms. Monte gave an update on this. Work has started on the work plan and getting a good start on the items that need to be done in September and October.
Motion by Mr. Stohr and seconded by Mr. Esry to approve the Work Plan for Completion of Champaign County Solid Waste Management Plan Five-Year Update.
Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
IX. New Business: Items to be Recommended to the County Board
A. New Contract of Sale for County property at 1101 Carroll Avenue, Urbana.
Mr. Hall said the property sale is moving ahead. A copy of Quitclaim Deed was sent to the prospective buyer and they are still interested in going through with the offer. We can finally get this wrapped up with county board approval. ELUC has previously approved this sale for this amount.
Motion by Mr. Esry and second by Ms. Fortado to approve the Contract for Sale as presented.
Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
B. Champaign County Acceptance of Deed for Property located at 404 South Dodson Drive, Urbana. (For Future Demolition)
Mr. Hall said the owner lives out-of-state and took nearly a year to approve the paperwork the State’s Attorney office sent them. Due to factors at the end of last year, there was a delay in getting this before this committee. Mr. Hall felt that there was still ample time to get this demolished under the new Strong Communities Program grant through IDA.
Motion by Mr. Stohr and second by Mr. Esry to approve and recommend to the County Board the Acceptance of Deed for Property.
Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
X. Other Business
A. Semi-Annual Review of CLOSED Session Minutes
Motion by Mr. Esry and seconded by Mr. Stohr retain the closed session minutes as they are. Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
B. Monthly Reports
i. July 2021
ii. August 2021
The reports were received and placed on file. Mr. Hall wanted to point out that both July and August were good months for enforcements. In July they were able to resolve 37 enforcements and 14 in August. A question was asked about the bee issue and where we were with that. It is still at ZBA. They are still having public hearings.
XI. Chair’s Report
There was no Chair’s Report.
XII. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda
Items IX. A and B
XIII. Adjournment
Mr. Thorsland adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m.