Village of Saint Joseph Street & Alley Committee met Sept. 25
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Meeting started at 9:10AM
A discussion was made between discrepancies of the submitted bill and services performed. Ultimately Michael Poor was called in to complete what Eco-Trim217 could not do for a cost of $2,600. The Eco-Trim217 bill submitted for those partial service performed for $5,335.
Mr. Goeckner agreed to remove;
1. the deductible charge for $500
2. the emergency charge for $1,000
3. the secretarial charge for $85
for a revised total of $3,750
I explained to him that the board in a straw poll, authorized $1,300 and the maximum the committee chair could approve without full board authorization would be $1,500. Mr. Goeckner indicated this amount would not cover his costs but would submit a revised bill in accordance to the Open Meetings act and will be present at the next regular council meeting to discuss the bill charges.
No recommendations were made by the committee other than to present and discuss this bill at the next regular council meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:20am