
Chambana Sun

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Urbana City Council met May 21.


Urbana City Council met May 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Elected Officials Physically Present: Aaron Ammons; Bill Brown, Dean Hazen; Eric Jakobsson, Jared Miller; Dennis Roberts (arrived at 7:12 pm); Diane Wolfe Marlin

Elected Officials Present Via Teleconference: None

Elected Officials Absent: Charles A. Smyth, City Clerk

Staff Present: James Eggert; William Gray; Elizabeth Hannan; Kay Meharry; Kelly Mierkowski; Sylvia Morgan; Lorrie Pearson; Matt Rejc; Todd Rent; John Schneider; James Simon

Others Present: Van Anderson; Deb Busey; Elderess Melinda Carr; Juli Kartel; Rev. Dr. Evelyn B. Underwood; C. Pius Weibel; Members of the Media

A. Call To Order And Roll Call

Mayor Marlin called the meeting of the Urbana City Council to order at 7:00pm.

B. Approval Of Minutes Of Previous Meeting

CM Bill Brown made a motion to approve the minutes from May 7, 2018 City Council meeting. Motion seconded by CM Jared Miller and carried by voice vote.

C. Additions To The Agenda

There were none.

D. Public Input

1. Public Input – cards submitted

Rev. Dr. Evelyn B. Underwood asked that her position be entered into the record regarding the Dr. Ellis Subdivision sewer issues.

Elderess Melinda Carr did not wish to speak, but asked that her concerns about the Dr. Ellis Subdivision sewer problems, equity and historic impact be entered into the record.

Mayor Marlin proclaimed the week of May 20 – 26, 2018, as National Public Works Week in the City of Urbana and presented the proclamation to Public Works Director William Gray.

2. Budget Presentation

Mayor Marlin and Finance Director Elizabeth Hannan presented the proposed budget for FY 2018-2019, with focus on the general fund. Mayor Marlin thanked Sophie Pham, Don Ho and everyone who contributed to putting it together.

Mayor Marlin said this budget represents a significant step forward from where the City was last year, and will address steps that need to be taken to eventually fully fund the police and fire pensions, fund the structural deficit, provide better infrastructure maintenance and repair, and field potential fallout from the State budget crisis. The mayor said some cuts are included in the budget and more will be necessary.

There will be expenditures to improve efficiency and productivity (costs have been offset by reductions in other areas):

• Employee scheduling and time entry software

• Website update

• Licensing software

• Other small increases

Proposed budget reductions include:

• Closing the Urbana Civic Center at end of calendar year ($40K)

• IT Enterprise Fund ($220K)

• Lease about 50 fleet vehicles as opposed to purchase ($70K)

• Library fund ($55K)

• Fire Prevention Inspector ($35K)

• Unemployment Comp shifted to Risk Fund ($35K)

• Adjust budgeted level for Human Relations Officer to half time, as it is currently staffed ($36K)

• Reductions of line items from departments ($75K)

CM Bill Brown took the chair for Mayor Marlin during discussion. When asked which part of the budget would significantly increase revenues, Mayor Marlin responded that the only increase in revenue would be from the parking meter increases and the modest fee increases. She said there are no tax increases proposed this year. Mayor Marlin and Ms. Hannan responded to questions and concerns from council members.

Upcoming dates for further budget review will be May 29 (Committee of the Whole meeting), June 4 (Council meeting), June 4 (public hearing), and June 18 to adopt (Council meeting).

The link to view this presentation and discussion is:



E. Unfinished Business

There was none.

F. Reports Of Standing Committees

1. Committee Of The Whole (Council Member Aaron Ammons)

a. Ordinance No. 2018-05-032: An Ordinance Revising the Annual Budget Ordinance (Budget amendment #8 – Omnibus)

CM Ammons made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2018-05-032. Motion seconded by Alderman Brown and carried by roll call vote as follows:

Ammons – aye Brown – aye Hazen – aye

Jakobsson – aye Miller – aye Roberts - aye

Wu – aye Mayor Marlin – aye

Disposition: Ordinance No. 2018-05-032 was carried by roll call vote (8-aye; 0- nay)

b. Ordinance No. 2018-05-035: An Ordinance Approving an Amended and Restated Right-of-Way License Agreement with MDCJ, LLC - PW

CM Ammons made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2018-05-035. Motion seconded by Alderman Jakobsson and carried by roll call vote as follows:

Ammons – aye Brown – aye Hazen – aye

Jakobsson – aye Miller – aye Roberts - aye

Wu – aye

Disposition: Ordinance No. 2018-05-035 was carried by roll call vote (7-aye; 0-nay)

c. Resolution No. 2018-05-017R: A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a Grant for Market at the Square (Farm Credit Illinois Grant – SNAP Double Value Program, FY 2018-2019) – CD

CM Ammons made a motion to approve Resolution No. 2018-05-017R. Motion seconded by CM Wu and carried by roll call vote as follows:

Ammons – aye Brown – aye Hazen – aye

Jakobsson – aye Miller – aye Roberts - aye

Wu – aye

Disposition: Resolution No. 2018-05-017R was carried by roll call vote (7-aye; 0-nay)

d. Resolution No. 2018-05-018R: A Resolution Approving the City of Urbana and Urbana Home Consortium FY 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan - CD

CM Ammons made a motion to approve Resolution No. 2018-05-018R. Motion seconded by CM Roberts and carried by roll call vote as follows:

Ammons – aye Brown – aye Hazen – aye

Jakobsson – aye Miller – aye Roberts - aye

Wu – aye

Disposition: Resolution No. 2018-05-018R was carried by roll call vote (6-aye; 0-nay)

e. Ordinance No. 2018-02-013: An Ordinance Amending the Urbana Zoning map (Rezoning a Portion of 500 Art Bartell Rd. from CRE to R-4 / Plan Case No. 23330M18)

CM Ammons announced Ordinance No. 2018-02-013 without a motion to approve. Not realizing there was no motion for approval, CM Hazen seconded. After clarification that there had been no motion, CM Hazen made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2018-02-013. Motion seconded by Jakobsson. and carried by roll call vote as follows:

Ammons – nay Brown – aye Hazen – aye

Jakobsson – aye Miller - nay Roberts – aye

Wu – aye

Disposition: Ordinance No. 2018-02-013 was carried by roll call vote (5-Aye; 2-Nay)

f. Ordinance No. 2018-02-014: An Ordinance Approving and Denying Requests for Waivers of Subdivision Regulations (500 Art Bartell Rd. / Plan Case No. 2335-S-18)

CM Ammons announced Ordinance No. 2018-02-014 without making a motion. Motion was made to approve Ordinance No. 2018-02-014 by CM Hazen and seconded by CM Jakobsson. There was clarification about the lack of sidewalks by Planning Manager Lorrie Pearson. She reminded council members that within two years of recording the plat, the nursing home is required install a sidewalk on one side of the street from East Main Street to Lierman Avenue. A second sidewalk on the other side of the street would be required if there were requests to subdivide the parcel. At this time there are no plans to subdivide any of the property. After discussion, the motion and second to approve Ordinance No. 2018-02-014 were carried by roll call vote as follows:

Ammons – nay Brown - aye Hazen – aye

Jakobsson – aye Miller – nay Roberts - aye

Wu – aye

Disposition: Ordinance No. 2018-02-014 was carried by roll call vote (5-Aye; 2-Nay)

G. Reports Of Special Committees

There were none.

H. Reports Of Officers

There were none.

I. New Business

1. Resolution No. 2018-05-019R: A Resolution Authorizing the City to Participate in the Illinois Housing Development Authority Abandoned Property Program

Community Development Coordinator Matt Rejc presented this resolution, stating that this is round three of money awarded by the State for the Abandoned Properties Program. The amount for this round is $55,000, which will be added to the $71,000 awarded to Urbana in February 2017 in round two. Community Development Manager John Schneider clarified the steps and handling of abandoned properties.

Alderman Ammons made a motion to approve Resolution No. 2018-05-019R. Motion was seconded by Alderman Roberts. After discussion, motion to approve Resolution No. 2018-05-019R was carried by roll call vote as follows:

Ammons – aye Brown – aye Hazen - aye

Jakobsson – aye Miller – aye Roberts - aye

Wu – aye

Disposition: Resolution No. 2018-05-019R was carried by roll call vote (7-aye; 0-nay)

Presentation and discussion for this item can be found at:


2. Resolution No. 2018-05-020R: A Resolution Approving and Authorizing an Urbana Home Consortium Subrecipient Agreement (Rosecrance TBRA FY 2018-2019)

Community Development Coordinator Matt Rejc presented this resolution, stating that subrecipient agreement, in the amount of $35,065.72, is for tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA) for Rosecrance for fiscal year 2018-2019. He said it would help assist about 10 households and would fully commit the remaining available funds remaining to the City, and would allow Rosecrance to continue its TBRA program for about eight to nine months longer. Juli Kartel, Director of Rosecrance answered questions and concerns from committee members.

CM Wu made a motion to approve Resolution No. 2018-05-020R. Motion seconded by CM Jakobsson and carried by roll call vote as follows:

Ammons – aye Brown – aye Hazen - aye

Jakobsson – aye Miller – aye Roberts - aye

Wu – aye

Disposition: Resolution No. 2018-05-020R was carried by roll call vote (7-aye; 0-nay)

Presentation and discussion for this item can be viewed at:


3. Ordinance No. 2018-05-036: An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit (1007 West University Avenue / Green Street Realty – Plan Case 2343-SU-18) - CD

Planning Manager Lorrie Pearson presented this ordinance. She explained this permit is requested for the construction of a mixed use building, which would combine commercial space on the first floor with four floors of apartments above. The layout of the building and front parking would allow flexibility for a food business to pursue the addition of a drive-through lane.

CM Miller made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2018-05-036. Motion was seconded by CM Hazen.

There was concern expressed about parking on the University Avenue side of the building, rather than having it all behind the building. After discussion about location of parking, CM Roberts made a motion to keep this item in Council and forward it to the June 4 council meeting so property owners could listen to input about the position of the proposed building. Motion was seconded by CM Wu.

CM Miller withdrew his motion to approve this ordinance, as did CM Hazen for his motion to second it.

The motion to hold Ordinance No. 2018-05-036 for further discussion in Council was approved by voice vote.

Disposition: Ordinance No. 2018-05-036 will be carried over to the Council meeting on June 4, 2018, for further discussion.

Presentation and discussion for this item can be viewed at:


4. Mayoral Appointments to Boards and Commissions

a. Urbana Free Library Board – term to expire June 30, 2021

1. John Thies

5. Mayoral Reappointments to Boards and Commissions

a. Police Pension Fund Board – term to expire May 31, 2020

1. Shaennon Clark

b. Firemen’s Pension Fund Board – term to expire June 30, 2020

1. Elizabeth Hannan

Mayor Marlin presented the appointment of John Thies to the Urbana Free Library Board and the reappointments of Shaennon Clark to the Police Pension Fund Board and Finance Director Elizabeth Hannan to the Firemen’s Pension Fund Board.

CM Miller made a motion to approve the Mayoral appointments and reappointments. Motion seconded by CM Ammons and carried by voice vote.

Disposition: The appointments of John Thies to the Urbana Free Library Board, and reappointments of Shaennon Clark to the Police Pension Fund Board and Elizabeth Hannan to the Firemen’s Pension Fund Board, were approved by unanimous voice vote.

6. Mayoral Staff Appointments for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019)

a. Executive Department

1. Vacellia Clark Human Relations Officer

2. Todd Rent Human Resources Director

3. Sanford Hess Information Technology Manager

4. James L. Simon City Attorney

b. Community Development Services Department

1. John Schneider Community Development Services Director

2. Lorrie Pearson Planning Manager and Zoning Administrator

3. Kelly Mierkowski Grants Manager

4. Brandon Boys Economic Development Manager

c. Finance Department

1. Elizabeth Hannan Finance Director

2. Elizabeth Beaty Administrative Services Manager

3. Kristine Francisco Financial Services Manager

4. Huong (Sophie) Pham City Accountant

d. Fire Department

1. James Eggert Interim Fire Chief

2. Chad Hensch Division Chief

3. Kyle Hensch Division Chief

4. Derrick Odle Division Chief

5. Phillip Edwards Fire Marshall

e. Police Department

1. Sylvia Morgan Police Chief

2. Bryant Seraphin Deputy Chief

3. Robert Fitzgerald Police Lieutenant

4. Jason Norton Police Lieutenant

5. Joel Sanders Police Lieutenant

6. Richard Surles Police Lieutenant

f. Public Works

1. William Gray Directory of Public Works and City Engineer

2. Brad Bennett Assistant City Engineer

3. Craig Shonkwiler Assistant City Engineer

4. John Collins Operations Manager

5. Anthony Arnold Fleet Manager

6. Michael Brunk City Arborist

7. Scott Tess Environmental Manager

8. Bruce Cubberley Arbor Division Manager

9. Vince Gustafson Facilities Manager

Mayor Marlin announced that John Schneider will assume the position of Community Development Director as of July 1, 2018.

She then presented staff appointments for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019. CM Wu made a motion to approve Mayoral staff appointments. Motion seconded by CM Miller and carried by voice vote.

Disposition: Mayoral staff appointments for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 were approved by unanimous voice vote.

J. Adjournment

With no further business before the city council, Mayor Marlin declared the meeting adjourned at 8:53 pm.




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