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Saturday, December 28, 2024

City of Urbana Committee of the Whole met February 26.

Meeting 05

City of Urbana Committee of the Whole met February 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

There being a quorum, Chair Dennis Roberts called the meeting of the Committee of the Whole to order at 7:00 pm.

2. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

City Council Member (CM) Jared Miller made a motion to approve minutes from the meeting held on February 12, 2018. Motion seconded by CM Bill Brown and carried by voice vote.

3. Additions to the Agenda

Mayor Marlin signed a copy Resolution No. 2018-02-005R and presented it to the iMatter group who had originally brought it before the city council.

4. Public Input

Bishop King James and Rev. Dr. Evelyn Underwood did not wish to speak but wanted their concerns about the Dr. Ellis Subdivision sewer problems entered into the record. Elderess Melinda Carr voiced her concerns about the Dr. Ellis Subdivision sewer problems and historic impact. She told committee member that the January 16 meeting minutes were missing details she thought should have been included. The first was looking into the sewer line protection insurance program. The other was the suggestion for a policy to notify prospective or current homeowners of the location of their lateral sewers. She also spoke about the lack of effort on the part of the City to maintain sewer laterals and to keep homeowners informed.

5. Presentations

a. U of I Master Plan Presentation

Qu Kim and Brent Lewis, part of the core team who have worked on the U of I Master Plan for the past 22 months, were present. Mary Jukuri and Lauren Leighty, consultants with SmithGroup JJR, were present via teleconference and presented a slide show of the Master Plan, showing the purpose of the plan and the planning process. The six themes for the Master Plan are:

• Reinforce the Campus Core –the quality of academic environment

• Discovery and Collaboration – quality, caliber and connectivity of research programs, facilities and land

• Access and Connectivity – overcoming physical distance on campus

• Student-Centered Campus – quality of Student Life programs

• Neighborhood Identity – quality and physical organization of campus environment

• iCAP Goal – Net Zero Growth – balancing campus growth and renewal in support of iCAP goals and fiscal responsibility

Ms. Jukuri, Mr. Kim, and Mr. Lewis answered questions and addressed concerns from committee members. CM Jakobsson encouraged tree species diversity. Some ideas for the design were having the buildings rise vertically rather than horizontally to keep a smaller footprint and having shuttles to campus destinations rather than having to take more than one bus from one area to another. Another suggestion was to have cultural centers closer to the residence buildings. CM Ammons noted that having more building space without adding building service work staff would make it difficult to maintain standards.

b. Overhead Sewer Program Presentation

Assistant City Engineer Justin Swinford presented this item. This program was approved by council in 1998, with the first reimbursements issued in 1999. The program reimbursement maximum was increased in 2013 to $4,500, with $3,000 paid by the City and $1,500 paid by Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District (UCSD). The proposed updates are:

• Decrease minimum number of require quotes from three to two

• Increase the maximum reimbursement to $5,250, with $3,500 paid by the City and $1,750 paid by UCSD

Complete mapping of the entire sewer system for the City showing all lateral connections was discussed. Mr. Swinford explained that there are very extensive GIS maps showing the city sanitary sewer system and data is also collected on the location of sewer laterals each time a project is done. Residents can request to have a system televised if they are going to have sewer work done in the area. Televising the entire sewer system would take several years and mapping the laterals would take even longer. CM Jakobsson suggested reporting how many miles of mains are back yard, how many are center of the street, and how many are on one side or the other. Since this method would me much less time consuming, it could be a good alternative to counting all connections.

CM Miller made a motion to direct Public Works to draft an ordinance for the Overhead Sewer Program. Motion seconded by CM Wu and carried by voice vote

6. Staff Report

Mayor Marlin reported that video interviews of the five finalists for the City Administrator position took place today and would continue tomorrow, February 27. Up to three finalists will be chosen from the five and they will go on to interviews in March.

7. Resolution No. 2018-02-008R: A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Promotional and Marketing Agreement for 2018 Urbana Sweetcorn Festival (Urbana Business Association, FY 2018-2019)

Economic Manager Brandon Boys presented the three resolutions for promotional and marketing agreements.

Paris Baldarotta, the Executive Director of the Urbana Business Association, went over some changes for the upcoming Sweetcorn Festival, which will take place on Friday, August 24 and Saturday, August 25, 2018.

Questions and discussion between Ms. Baldarotta and council followed. CM Wu asked about the funding and attendance with the city paying a total of $15,000 for last year with UBA experiencing a small loss and less attendance. The coming festival will be ticketless and will be cash and credit card on the spot. There will also be an expanded VIP program. CM Ammons moved to send Resolution No. 2018-02-008R to council with a recommendation for approval. The motion was seconded by CM Hazen and passed by unanimous voice vote.

Video for this resolution can be found at: https://www.city.urbana.il.us/Scripts/CouncilVideo/Video.asp?v=/_Video/City_Council/2018/ 20180226/06._Resolution_2018-02-008R.mp4

8. Resolution No. 2018-02-0009R: A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Promotional and Marketing Agreement for 2018 Champaign-Urbana Folk & Roots Festival (Champaign Urbana Folk & Roots Festival NFP, FY 2018-2019)

Scott Dossett and Rob Crumm presented the request of the CU Folk and Roots Festival. Mr. Crumm presented a report several weeks ago so Mr. Dossett thanked the city for past support and noted working relationships with the Urbana Free Library and others in downtown. This year’s festival will be a few weeks earlier as well. CM Wu moved to send Resolution No. 2018-02-009R to council with a recommendation for approval. The motion was seconded by CM Jakobsson.

Discussion of attendance and sponsors followed. Mayor Marlin noted that she has asked staff to develop a process for applications and evaluation of festivals and special events similar to the Arts Grants process that is more consistent and respectful of time. She also indicated that the Lincoln Square visioning will be starting and asked for input with respect to the festival. With no further discussion, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

9. Resolution No. 2018-02-010R: A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Promotional and Marketing Agreement for 2018 Pygmalion Festival (Fein-Bursoni Inc., FY 2018- 2019).

Economic Development manager Boys noted that the request from Pygmalion was an increase of $5,000 from last year and introduced Patrick Singer. Mr. Singer provided a brief video and presentation about the festival. CM Ammons asked about the proposed Wednesday kickoff in downtown Urbana. Additional questions and discussion followed. CM Roberts asked CM Brown to take the chair and then made a statement concerning main stage activities in downtown Urbana. Mr. Singer indicated that Champaign provides eight times the funding and it is cost prohibitive to do many stages noting the various costs. Planning is early in the process. CM Brown moved to send Resolution No. 2018-02-010R to council with a recommendation for approval. The motion was seconded by CM Miller and passed by unanimous voice vote.

10. Resolution No. 2018-02-011R: A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Economic Development Agreement (Champaign County Economic Development Corporation, FY 2017-2018 & FY 2018-2019)

Mr. Boys noted that this is a two year agreement including the current fiscal year and the upcoming. He introduced Craig Rost, Executive Director of EDC, and Don Elmore, Small Business Development Center. Mr. Rost reviewed EDC using a Powerpoint Presentation and Mr. Elmore continued with a presentation on the SBDC. Mr. Rost reviewed upcoming plans and events. CM Brown began discussion by noting that one of the city’s roles is to introduce the community to students from the Univ. of Illinois and suggested a partnership with EDC to better effect that. He also noted Salt and Light as a location for training.

Discussion of investing in startups followed. Mr. Elmore answered CM Ammon’s question about CMS certification and discussed the client distribution. There was further discussion of the new board and committee structure for EDC. CM Wu was interested in how EDC would be working with the younger members of the community such as with CUCTC and communicating with the school systems. Mr. Rost indicated that they would be expanding that work area and that job development in the skilled tasks field is needed. CM Wu noted the need for a roadmap for young people coming out of school. CM Miller moved to send Resolution No. 2018-02-011R to council with a recommendation for approval. The motion was seconded by CM Hazen and passed by unanimous voice vote.

11. Ordinance No. 2018-02-013: An Ordinance Amending the Urbana Zoning Map (Rezoning a Portion of 500 Art Bartell Rd. from CRE to R-4 / Plan Case No. 2333-M-18)

Planner II Marcus Ricci presented the staff memo for this ordinance and the next with a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the case, the Plan Commission conditions, recommendations, and vote. He noted that staff has developed more specific recommendations for sidewalk construction and offer it as an amendment. CM Roberts asked about the exact wording for this change and staff will provide it. CM Brown asked about the deferral of the sidewalk construction noting that the city’s bike master plan and the County Greenways and Trails shows future multiuse paths to Weaver Park along Art Bartell Drive. Discussion of plans, timing, and participation for sidewalk construction followed. CM Wu wanted to know the reasons for the no votes by several Plan Commission members and discussion of the long term status of the nursing home followed. The State of Illinois certificate of need sets the size of the facility and a condition of the rezoning is conformance to the site plan as submitted. Mr. Simon noted that there were technical issues with the ordinance as drafted and a revised version would be provided.

County Board Chair Pius Weibel stated his support for the rezoning and that it was necessary if the Board is to sell the nursing home. CM Ammons asked Mr. Weibel why the changes were needed. Mr. John Hall noted that the special use permit only allows for the operation of the nursing home if it is owned by a government entity. Mr. Jacob Croegaert, State’s Attorney’s office was also recognized and was available to answer questions.

CM Miller noted his opposition to the sale of the nursing home. He asked what would happen if the city didn’t approve the zoning changes. Mr. Weibel and Mr. Croegaert noted that it would be difficult to sell and noted the poor financial picture. Mr. Weibel noted that the sidewalks would be studied extensively due to the parking along the road and that was the reason for the 2-year request to put sidewalks in.

CM Brown made a motion to send to council with a recommendation for approval, seconded by CM Jakobsson. CM Jakobsson noted that he also favors keeping the nursing home publicly owned noting that nationally they provided better care though this one isn’t working out so, he’s not sure of his position. CM Brown thinks that a lot of information and discussion has occurred at the county level and that the question before the council is related to the zoning and meets conditions. CM Roberts expressed similar concerns. CM Wu noted that there are two options: sell or close. Mr. Weibel noted that they don’t like the closing option.

Mayor Marlin asked for clarification of the parameters that the council could consider. Lorrie Pearson, Planning Manager and Zoning Administrator noted that the council, as was the Plan Commission, is bound by the LaSalle Criteria. Ms. Pearson summarized the Plan Commission findings with respect to the criteria. Mayor Marlin noted that voting for or against requires citing the criteria and that this is not a vote on policy. CM Hazen asked if the council was inviting legal trouble if voting against the zoning to block a sale. Mr. Simon replied that the council has to base its decision on the LaSalle Criteria and council members should state their reasoning if judged as not meeting the criteria.

CM Miller asked if there is a minimum number of criteria to be met. Mr. Simon noted that it’s based on an overall preponderance and case law varies. CM Miller went on to state that he doesn’t think the zoning change meets the 3rd criteria because he doesn’t believe that allowing a private entity to operate the nursing home promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. He does not think that it meets the fourth criteria either and that the hardship on the county does not overrule the benefit to the public. Based on those two reasons he does not support the rezoning.

A motion to extend the meeting 30 minutes was made by CM Miller and seconded by CM Jakobsson and passed unanimously.

CM Ammons agreed with CM Miller on criteria 3 and 4 and won’t support the rezoning. CM Brown asked if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak. CM Wu also stated she’s on the fence about the issue based on criteria 3 and 4. She indicated that she’d be willing for this item to go to council but without a recommendation. Clerk Smyth noted that this plan case came to committee for discussion but would need to go to council for a vote for a determination with respect to the LaSalle Criteria. Mr. Simon concurred and noted that this could stay in committee until ready. CM Brown and CM Jakobsson withdrew their motion. CM Wu moved to send the ordinance with no recommendation (Brown seconded). CM Miller noted he preferred a special meeting or holding in committee. Ms. Pearson noted that the ordinance just needs to be sent to the council in a reasonable amount of time. CM Wu and CM Brown withdrew their motion. CM Miller moved to keep in committee, seconded by CM Wu and passed by unanimous voice vote.

12. Ordinance No. 2018-02-014: An Ordinance Approving Subdivision Ordinance Waivers (500 Art Bartell Rd. / Plan Case No.2335-S-18) – CD

CM Miller made a motion to keep this ordinance in committee seconded by CM Ammons. CM Brown asked if the delay would have any impact. Mr. Ricci noted that the RFP was due in several days. Mr. Weibel noted that the timetable for a decision on the RFP is May so this delay wouldn’t be a bottleneck. The motion was passed by unanimous voice vote.

13. Ordinance No. 2018-02-015: An Ordinance Authorizing the Dedication of Right-of-Way (601 North Lincoln Avenue) – PW

Public Works Director Bill Gray presented the staff memo. With no questions, CM Miller moved Ordinance No. 2018-02-015 to council with a recommendation for approval. The motion was seconded by CM Ammons and passed by unanimous voice vote.

14. Ordinance No. 2018-02-016: An Ordinance Revising the Annual Budget Ordinance for FY 2017/18 (Budget Amendment #6 – Omnibus) – FIN

Finance Director Elizabeth Hannan presented the staff memo noting the budget amendments proposed. CM Miller moved Ordinance No. 2018-02-015 to council with a recommendation for approval. The motion was seconded by CM Hazen. Mayor Marlin noted that the grant for Urbana in the budget amendment from International Rotary Club is part of their effort to plant a tree for every member worldwide. With no further discussion or questions, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

15. Adjournment

Dennis Roberts noted the passing of longtime business owner and community supporter Tom Berns. With no further business before the committee, Chair Roberts adjourned the meeting at 10:47 pm.




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