City of Urbana Sustainability Advisory Commission met December 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Commissioners Present: Chairperson Stacy Gloss, Dustin Allred, Claire Johnson, Beth Meschewski, Todd Rusk, Andrew Stumpf, Morgan White
Staff Present: Scott Tess, Kathryn Levy
Call to Order, Roll Call, and Declaration of Quorum:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Stacy Gloss. Kathryn Levy called the roll and a quorum was present.
Changes to the Agenda:
There were no changes to the Agenda.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion was made by Ms. White, second by Mr. Rusk, to approve the Minutes from the November 7, 2017 meeting. Motion carried.
Public Input:
There was no Public Input.
Staff Report-
Scott Tess gave the monthly Staff Report which included progress on the Climate Action Plan (CAP) Phase 2, highlighting recognition of Urbana in the Georgetown University Energy Prize Competition and Tess’s involvement in the 23rd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bonn, Germany.
Additionally, public engagement with area partners was noted, and an update on the U-Cycle battery recycling drop-off program and the America Recycles Day celebration.
The results of the countywide electronics recycling event were shared and a proposed 2018 Commission meeting schedule was included.
The Report stated January 9, 2018 as the next meeting date.
Presentation on Small Scale Wind Energy-
Dylan Harmon, a University of Illinois Mechanical Engineering student, gave a presentation on the potential and costs of small scale wind energy in Urbana. He concluded that the area could possibly host medium-scale wind sites with visible, roof-mounted, vertical axis turbines, but that community buy-in was integral.
Commissioners, Staff, and members of the public discussed the pros and cons of such an undertaking.
Continuing Business:
There was no continuing business.
New Business:
Approval of 2018 Meeting Schedule-
Scott Tess provided a list of the dates for the regularly scheduled meetings of SAC for the 2018 calendar year. Motion was made by Ms. White, second by Mr. Stumpf, to approve the dates as follows, with all meetings to take place at 7 p.m. where noted below:
1/9/2018 Council Chambers
2/6/2018 Council Chambers
3/6/2018 Council Chambers
4/3/2018 Council Chambers
5/1/2018 Council Chambers
6/5/2018 Council Chambers
7/3/2018 Council Chambers
8/7/2018 Council Chambers
9/4/2018 Council Chambers
10/2/2018 Council Chambers
11/6/2018 Executive Conference Room
12/4/2018 Council Chambers
Motion carried.
Presentation and Discussion of Off Fossil Fuels Act-
Lois Kane, Urbana member of the national non-profit organization Food and Water Watch, gave a presentation on H.R.3671 - Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act. The bill transitions away from fossil fuel sources of energy to clean energy sources. Kane requests SAC recommendation to Mayor and Council that the Off Fossil Fuels Elected Official Pledge be signed.
Discussion ensued.
Motion was made by Mr. Rusk, second by Mr. Stumpf, to continue this discussion at the next regularly scheduled meeting once the bill has been further reviewed. Motion carried.
Discussion of Ready for 100 and iMatter Resolution-
Chairperson Gloss led a discussion with Commission members concerning the iMatter proposal for addressing climate change in our community. The Urbana Climate Inheritance Resolution, proposed by the iMatter Youth Movement, would commit the City Council to achieve net carbon neutrality community-wide by 2040, actively work toward generating 100 percent of the community’s electricity from renewable resources by 2025, and create a mechanism for the inclusion of members of the youth community in the formulation and implementation of climate-related policies and goals.
Motion was made by Mr. Rusk, second by Ms. Johnson, to encourage the Mayor and City Council to support the Urban Climate Inheritance Resolution and work with the Commission toward developing the goals provided within. Motion carried.
Chairperson Gloss began a discussion concerning Ready for 100, a Sierra Club campaign for accelerating a just and equitable transition to 100 percent clean energy, and the City of Urbana 100% Renewable Energy Resolution. Since there was no one from the Club to speak to the group concerning the Resolution it was suggested to reschedule a presentation with additional information for a future meeting.
Discussion on Outreach to Environmental Organizations and Local Stakeholders-
Mr. Rusk expressed a desire to develop new lines of activities that support Climate Action Plan goals. These activities would include targeted outreach to and collaboration with local stakeholders such as advocacy groups, technical/policy experts.
Upon discussion, Chairperson Gloss appointed Mr. Rusk and Mr. Stumpf to form a subcommittee to develop proposals for reaching out to potential partners in the community for the purpose of gathering their perspective on sustainability issues.
There were no announcements.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:08 p.m.
This meeting was recorded.