City of Urbana Human Relations Commission met December 13.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
Members Present: Peter Resnick, Carol Bradford, Frances Rigberg Baker, Samuel Byndom, Daniel
Larson, Lisa Mosley, Lolita Dumas, Briana Donald
Members not Present: Stacie Burnett, Katalyna Thomas
Staff Present: Vacellia Clark, Monique James
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Declaration of Quorum
a. Chair Larson called this meeting of the Urbana Human Relations Commission to order
at 5:35 p.m. Roll was taken. A quorum was present
2. Approval of Agenda
a. Vice Chair Resnick made a motion that the Commission approve the agenda as presented.
Ms. Mosley seconded the motion. Chair Larson called for a voice vote. The motion carried.
3. Approval of Minutes
a. Oct 11, 2017 Meeting
i. Vice Chair. Resnickmade a motion that the Commission approve the draft
minutes of the Oct 11, 2017 meeting with corrections asfollowed: all places
where Co-chairis written,should be replaced with Vice-Chair. Second all areas
where Chair Larson’s name is,should be replaced with Vice Chair Resnick as
Chair Larson was absent at this meeting. Ms. Bradford seconded the motion.
Chair Larson called for a voice vote. The motion carried.
4. Public Participation
a. There was none.
5. Old Business
a. Representatives from Growmark gave a presentation as to the good faith efforts with
recruiting more minorities.
6. New Business
a. There was none
7. Staff Report
a. Approval of EEO Workforce Statistics
i. The EEO Workforce Statistics were reviewed and staff recommendationsfor
approval were as follows:
1. Homer Tree Care Inc.
a. Recommend 1 year
2. Michels Corporation
a. Recommend 2 years
3. Schaefer Systems International
a. Recommend 2 years
4. Cross Constructions.
a. Recommend 2 year
5. Illiana Constructions
a. Recommend 2 years
6. Varsity Striping & Construction Co
a. Recommend 2 years
7. Veya
a. Recommend 2 years
8. Champaign Signal & Lighting Co
a. Recommend 2 years
9. Hall Signs
a. Recommend 6 months
Ms. Clark gave a brief presentation to the Commission regardingthe
workforce statisticsfor each contractor/vendor, all of which were renewals of
previous certifications. Comments and questionsfromthe Commission were
addressed by Ms. Clark. Vice Chair Resnick made a motion that the
Commission approve Homer Tree Care Inc for 2 years, Michels Corporation
for 2 years, Schaefer Systems Internationalfor 2 year, Cross Constructions
for 2 years, IllianaConstructions for 2 years, Varsity Striping& Construction
Co for 2 years, Veya for 2 years, Champaign Signal & LightingCo for 2 years
and Hall Signs for 6 months.
Ms. Mosley Second the motion, Chair Larson called for a voice vote. All
were in favor. The motion carried unanimously.
b. HRO ActivityReport
i. Ms. Clark presented the monthlyactivityreport to the Commission. Comments
and questionsfromthe Commission were addressed byMs. Clark during the
course of his presentation.
8. Announcements
There will be a Traffic Stop Discussion meeting with the community and
the Mayor on January 23rd at the City of Urbana Civic Center 5:30pm until 8pm.
9. Adjournment
a. There being no further businessto come before the Commission,
Chair Larson declared the meeting to be adjourned at 6:46 p.m.