City of Urbana City Council met January 8.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
The City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois, met in regular session Monday, January 8, 2018 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Urbana City Building.
Elected Officials Physically Present
Eric Jakobsson, Alderman Ward 2
Aaron Ammons, Alderman Ward 3
Bill Brown, Alderman Ward 4
Dean Hazen, Alderman Ward 6
Jared Miller, Alderman Ward 7
Diane Wolfe Marlin, Mayor
Charles A. Smyth, City Clerk
Elected Officials Present Via Teleconference
Elected Officials Absent
Dennis Roberts, Alderman Ward 5; Maryalice Wu, Alderwoman Ward 1
Staff Present
Brad Bennett; Brandon Boys; William Gray; Elizabeth Hannan; Elizabeth Horwitz; Wendy
Hundley; Sylvia Morgan; Brian Nightlinger; John Schneider; James Simon; Justin Swinford;
Celeste Choate (Urbana Free Library)
Others Present
Tom Howley; Members of the Media
* David Sutton submitted a public input card but was not present at the time Mayor called his name.
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
There being a quorum present, Mayor Marlin called the meeting of the Urbana City Council
to order at 8:29 p.m. following a Township Special Board Meeting and the rescheduled
Township Board meeting.
B. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Alderman Jakobsson made a motion to approve minutes from December 18, 2017.
Alderman Miller seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.
C. Additions to the Agenda
There was none.
D. Public Input
Mayor Marlin read and presented a proclamation to Tom Howley from CU 1-to-1
mentoring program proclaiming the month of January as National Mentoring month.
E. Unfinished Business
There was none.
F. Reports of Standing Committees
There were none.
G. Reports of Special Committees
There were none.
H. Reports of Officers
Public Works Director William Gray gave an update about the Christmas tree collection
schedule delayed due to unforeseen weather conditions. The schedule with the one-day
delay will be 01/09-01/13-2018.
Community Development Manager John Schneider announced a neighborhood meeting that
will take place Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 6:00pm at Greater Holy Temple Church
located at 1409 W. Dublin Street in Urbana. The purpose of this meeting is to meet with the
developer to discuss the potential redevelopment possibilities of the American Water
property along with two other adjacent properties.
Mayor Marlin reminded everyone about the upcoming MLK celebration that will take place
this Friday, January 12, 2018 at 4pm at the Urbana Vineyard church located at 1500 N.
Lincoln Ave., Urbana. This is open to the public and the focus this year is our youth.
Finance Director Elizabeth Hannan and Mayor Marlin gave an overview of the financial
forecast for FY19-FY2023. Some of those details are as follows:
Ms. Hannan said that the financial forecast is the first step in the annual budgeting process.
It focuses on the City’s General Operating Fund, which pays for most basic city services,
such as Police, Fire and most of Public Works services. This process is used to evaluate
financial conditions, and based on that evaluation, make high-level decisions about the
budget process.
Mayor Marlin also emphasized the need to make tough choices now by setting the stage for
making a realistic shift in financial perspectives, making a commitment and taking the
necessary steps to build a solid foundation for the future. This will provide financial
transparency, accountability and take practical steps to improve the City’s financial position.
Mayor Marlin also addressed the long-term financial concerns identified last year. These
were Police & Fire pension funding, structural deficits, inadequate investment in
infrastructure maintenance, the impact of State decisions on City finances and rebuilding
reserves. Some actions taken since last year include a budget reduction for FY2018 (no
salary increase for department heads and upper management staff), revenue enhancement by
increasing the food & beverage tax, and elimination of two positions by offering a Voluntary
Separation Incentive (VSP).
Mayor Marlin said that adjusting to our new reality involves stagnant sales tax revenues, the
State budget crisis, implications of federal tax changes, and expenditures growing faster than
revenues (structural deficit). She added, “We are building a strong foundation for our
future.” Discussion ensued.
I. New Business
1. Mayoral Appointment to Boards and Commissions
a. Urbana Business Association Board
1. Elizabeth Horwitz – term to expire 06/30/20
b. Visit Champaign County
1. Rachel Storm
Mayor Marlin presented the appointments of Elizabeth Horwitz to the Urbana
Business Association Board replacing Brandon Boys and Rachel Storm to Visit
Champaign County replacing Natalie Kenny-Marquez.
There was no discussion. Alderman Brown made a motion to approve the
appointments as presented. Alderman Ammons seconded. Motion carried by
unanimous voice vote.
J. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Marlin declared the
meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.