City of Danville City Council met November 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
#1. The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Danville was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Mayor Scott Eisenhauer at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main Street, Danville, Illinois.
The Roll Call was answered by Mayor Scott Eisenhauer, Vice Mayor Brenda Brown, Aldermen R.J. Davis, Dan Duncheon, Steve Foster, Sharon McMahon, Steve Nichols, Michael O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, Michael Puhr, Lloyd Randle, Tom Stone, Rick Strebing, and Rickey Williams, Jr. Absent was Alderman Jon Cooper. A quorum was present.
Staff Members Present: City Treasurer Stephanie Wilson, Assistant Corporation Counsel Bethany Nystrom, Budget Director Gayle Lewis, City Clerk Lisa Monson, City Comptroller Shelley Scott, Corporation Counsel Dave Wesner, Engineering & Urban Services Manager David Schnelle, Planning & Urban Services Manager Christopher Milliken, Human Relations Administrator Sandra Finch, Public Transportation Director Lisa Beith, Public Safety Director Larry Thomason, Deputy Director of Public Works Ray Garcia, and Public Works Director Doug Ahrens.
There Were also 52 audience members and 3 news media in attendance.
#2. Invocation was given by Reverend Ken Cameron, Pastor of Danville Alliance Church.
#3. The Pledge Of Allegiance Was led by Alderman Nichols.
#4. The Minutes of the regular meeting held, November 7, 2017 and corrected minutes of October 17, 2017, having been published and distributed, were presented. Alderman Stone moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Puhr. On the voice vote, the motion so ordered
#5. The Agenda for the evening was presented. Mayor Eisenhauer announced the removal of Item 15-A the City Clerk's Report and changed item 8 Zoning Petitions to item 9 and Item 9 Closed Session to item 8. Alderman Davis moved for approval as amended, seconded by Alderman Randle. On the Voice vote, all ayes, no nays, the motion so ordered.
#6. Mayor's Report
#6-A. Proclamations - None #6-B. Board/Committee Appointments – None
#6-C. Reports of Boards, Agencies, Commissions
•Clerk Monson wished Mayor Eisenhauer a "Happy Birthday" as his birthday is Friday, November 24th.
•Mayor Eisenhauer wished everyone a "Happy Thanksgiving". #6-D. Items of Information - None
#7. Petitions Communications, Audience Comments
#7-A.Public Hearing On 2017 Taxlevy
#7-B. Public Hearing On The Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 2018-2019
The Public Hearing on 2017 Tax Levy and the Public Hearing on the Proposed Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 was opened by Mayor Eisenhauer at 6:07 p.m. Mayor Eisenhauer reviewed Several pages of the proposed tax levy all of which will be on public display and highlighted the following:
•Total tax levy of $6,600,875.00, an increase of 10.85% over the 2016 Tax Levy with a Tax Rate of $2.2647.
•Police Pension levied amount is $3,688,575.00;
•Fire Pension levied amount is $4,147,500.00;
•Danville Public Library Levy increased 3.65% for a total levied amount of $1,866,800.00;
•Abatement amount required to balance the rest of the property tax levy with the Police Pension, Fire Pension, and Library totals $3,062,000.00;
•Public Safety Fee amount to abate the Property Tax Levy of $661,200.00;
•The total levied amount for Bond and Interest is $758,744.00 which is being abated at 100%; and
•Bond and Interest abatement breakdown is Capital Improvements (2007) $162,284.00, Capital Improvements (2009) $49,000.00, Sewer (2007 Bond) $48,146.00, Solid Waste (2007 Bond) $58,954.00, Community Reinvestment (2007 Bond) $96,263.00, Community Reinvestment (2009 Bond) $72,275.00, and Infrastructure Development (2009); $271,822.00.00 and
•There will only be money going to the Police Pension Fund, Fire Pension Fund, and Danville Public Library from the Property Tax Levy.
Mayor Eisenhauer reviewed several pages of the proposed budget all of which will be on public display and highlighted the following:
•Public Affairs Department total expenses are $3,711,598.00;
•Department of Public Safety total expenses are $14,134,184.00;
•Total expenses in Department of Public Works are $4,464,423.00; and
•Urban Services Department total expenses at $1,035,836.00; for total General Fund Expenses at $23,346,042, which is down from a year ago at $24,335,000.00.
•Estimated Revenue is $3,207,835.00 out of General Fund Receipts with the General Fund Requirement out of other General Fund receipts being $20,138,000.00. The Total projected General Fund Revenues are $20,139,813.000.00 meaning that at the end of the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year, the City will have a surplus of $1,606.00.
There were no Aldermanic comments pertaining to the Tax Levy or Budget. Mayor Eisenhauer opened the floor for Public Comment. Clerk Monson called for public comments on the proposed 2017 Tax Levy and Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. The following audience members addressed the Council:
•Nate Byram of Danville voiced opposition to the tiered system and is encouraged by the new proposal.
•Jake Molenkamp of Danville is encouraged by the new option for the Public Safety Pension fee and the tiered system would get challenged.
•Adam Stuhr of Danville Voiced opposition to the tiered system and stated he spoke to four different bank Vice Presidents as well as to several landlords who have said the tiered system needs to be pulled and is encouraged a new proposal is out there.
•Jerry Hawker of Danville voiced support of a utility tax and feels it is the most fair.
•Dr. U. Pete Williams of Danville stated on behalf of the Pastors of Danville that the State of Illinois has not been kind to municipalities throughout Illinois and has passed the burden on to cities and the City of Danville, which is unfortunate and we acknowledge that. He then spoke concern of the public safety pension fee increase on churches and asked the Aldermen if it's a fair fee to all of the Danville citizens and to possibly cap any increased fee to churches at $500.00.
•Susanne Gunter of Danville spoke concern offees not being fair throughout the City.
•Scott Singley of Danville voiced concern of any type of tax increase.
•Aaron Troglia of Danville spoke concern of the tier tax and feels the utility tax is more fair.
•Ed Strahl of Danville spoke in opposition to any fee increase.
• Robert Demith of Danville voiced opposition to raising any type offee.
•Jeremy Smith of Danville Voiced opposition to any fee increases as he is a contractor and if citizens have less to spend there will be less work for the contractors.
• Ernest Peterson of Danville stated the utility tax appears to be the most equitable plan.
There being no further public comments, Mayor Eisenhauer closed the Public Hearings at 6:34 p.m. and stated the 2017 Tax Levy and Proposed Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget are on Public Display and will remain on Public Display until December 5, 2017 when final action will take place at the regular City Council meeting.
[In accordance With the Truth in Taxation Act, a Notice of Proposed Tax Levy Hearing and Notice of Proposed Budget Hearing were published in the Commercial-News on November 12, 2017.]
Other Audience Comments:
•Brian Hogg & Lester Potts of Danville are representatives of the new leadership from Danville Firefighters Local #429. Mr. Hogg stated he is the President and Mr. Potts is the Vice President.
•Robb Dietzen of Danville Voiced Concern of the resolutions for authorization for Consideration of contracting services for Public Works and stated the reasons why he is opposed the Work being contracted out.
•Teresa Cronk of Danville voiced opposition to the proposed changes to the Denmark Road a sea.
•David Cronk of Danville spoke in opposition to the proposed changes to Denmark Road and distributed pictures of the properties that would be affected by the changes.
•Richard Reed of Danville spoke concern of the proposed changes to Denmark Road especially the pedestrian and bike lanes.
• Mert Reed of Danville also spoke concern of the proposed changes to Denmark Road especially the pedestrian and bike lanes.
• Melissa Escamilla of Danville spoke concern of flooded storm drains in the West Woodlawn Street area and stated there is often 10 to 15 feet of water around her property after it rains.
•Marian Lietard of Danville spoke concern of the abundance of leaves on the drains after it rains from the trees on the east side of the Boys and Girls Club and asked if the trees could be topped as she spends a lot of time cleaning the drains so they do not get plugged.
#8. [previous item 9] Closed Session
Alderman Randle moved to go into Closed Session under Section 2(c)(6) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss Set Price for Lease of Property, seconded by Alderman Pickering. The roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 13 to 0 With 1 absent. TIME: 7:14 p.m.
Alderman McMahon moved to return to Open Session, seconded by Alderman Foster. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays, the motion so ordered. Mayor Eisenhauer called the meeting back to order at 7:29 p.m.
#8-A previous Item 9-AJ.Mayor Eisenhauer presented Resolution No. 2017-116 approving Lease Agreement with Presence Central and Suburban Hospitals Network dba Pro Ambulance, beginning December 1, 2017 and terminating November 30, 2019 for 3,500 square feet located at 1711 East Main Street (former Fire Station No. 4) with rent payable in the amount of $2,000.00 per month, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as discussed in Closed Session, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 13 to 0. With 1 absent.
#9. previous item 8)Zoning Petition
#9-A previous Item 8-A1.Mayor Eisenhauer presented Zoning Petition #259, Ordinance No. 9118 Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Map to Approve Rezoning known as 1711 E. Main Street to rezone the property from R2 to B2 Highway Business to allow for operation of an ambulance service at the location, for Petitioner, the City of Danville. After hearing testimony during a Public Hearing on November 2, 2017, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval of the petition by a vote of 5 to 0 with 4 absent. Alderman Duncheon moved to concur with the recommendation and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Randle. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane Randle, Puhr, Nichols, Foster
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion carried 13 to 0 With 1 absent.
#10. Payroll
Mayor Eisenhauer presented Payrolls for November 9, 2017, of $528,257.98, and for November 17, 2017, of $66,645.54. Alderman Stone moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Davis. There being no questions, the roll call Vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 13 to 0 With 1 absent.
#11. Schedule Of Wouchers Payable
Mayor Eisenhauer presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable, having been published, posted, and distributed, for November 14, 2017, of $1,012, 190.57, and for November 21, 2017 of $1,141,333.56. Alderman Stone moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Puhr. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 13 to 0. With 1 absent.
#12. Accept and Place on File the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees Police Pension Fund for FisCal Year 2016-2017
Mayor Eisenhauer presented the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for approval which stated an estimated amount of $3,679,116.00 is required the next fiscal year to pay pensions and other obligations and to meet annual requirements of the Fund as provided by Statute. Vice Mayor Brown moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Randle. There being no questions, on the voice vote, all ayes, no nays, the motion so ordered.
#13. Accept and Place on File the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees Fire Pension Fund for Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Mayor Eisenhauer presented the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Fire Pension Fund for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for approval which stated an estimated amount of $4,134,208.00 is required the next fiscal year to pay pensions and other obligations and to meet annual requirements of the Fund as provided by Statute. Alderman Davis moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Stone. There being no questions, on the voice vote, all ayes, no nays, the motion so ordered.
#14. Public Works Committee Report
#14-A. Chairman Puhr presented Ordinance No. 9119 authorizing Vacation of East-West alleyway near 415 Chester Avenue for Robert D. Colby, Jr. and Julie Colby, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Randle. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 13 to 0 With 1 absent.
#14-B.Chairman Puhr presented Resolution No. 2017-117 awarding Bid for Purchase of Two 35' Buses in the amount of $870,000.00 from Gillig LLC pending Illinois Department of Transportation concurrence to purchase through the Lafayette, Indiana bid as DMT was additionally named in a bid for buses and to increase Danville Mass Transit Budget-Other Capital Equipment Fund 113-113 55016-18 in the amount of $870,000.00, from Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 funds, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Stone, Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 13 to 0 With 1 absent.
#14-C.Chairman Puhr presented Resolution No. 2017-118 authorizing Budget Amendment and Awarding Bid #589 to the lowest responsible bidder, FBI Buildings Inc., for Post-Frame Building at Landscape Waste Recycling Facility, in the amount of $116,469.00, and create line item in the Solid Waste Fund-Buildings Budget, 405-405-00-55012, in the amount of $175,000.00 to provide funds for this project and other items associated with the project, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Williams, Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent.
#14-D.Chairman Puhr presented Resolution No. 2017-119 awarding Bid #591 to the lowest responsible bidder, Steve's Trucking Inc., for Demolition of 520 N. Chandler Street, former Lincoln School, in the amount of $148,541.00 less dump fees, with funding for the project be through the Community Reinvestment Fund, line item #310-310-00-54177 Community Investment budget, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Stone. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call Vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 13 to 0. With 1 absent.
#14-E. Chairman Puhr presented an amended Resolution No. 2017-120 authorizing Payment for Repair of a 2004 International 7400 Waste Collection Truck (Unit #72) to Rush Truck Center, in the amount of $23,400.70, with funds for the engine replacement and other components, to be paid from Solid Waste Fund-Maintenance of Vehicles Budget, with public notice and bid procedures waived in accordance with emergency provisions of the City purchasing policy, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Stone. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, O'Kane, Randle, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 13 to 0. With 1 absent.
#14-F.Chairman Puhr presented a resolution authorizing Consideration of Contracting for Grass and Vegetation Management Services for Danville Public Works, in accordance with Article 14 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Laborer's International-Local #703 be provided formal notice, of the City's desire to enter Contracts with private vendors for mowing, cutting, trimming, chemical applications, and related maintenance activities of city parks, public properties and roadside right-ofways, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Stone. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Puhr, Nichols, Foster, Duncheon, Stone
Nays: Aldermen Randle, Brown, Davis, McMahon, Williams, Strebing, Pickering
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion failed 6 to 7 With 1 absent.
#14-G.Chairman Puhr presented Resolution No. 2017-121 authorizing Consideration of Contracting for Additional Sewer Televising Services for Danville Public Works, in accordance with Article 14 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Laborer's International-Local #703 be provided formal notice, of the City's desire to enter Contracts with private vendors for additional storm and sanitary sewer televising activities, including related cleaning and coordination, moved to dispense With the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Puhr, Foster, Duncheon, Davis, Stone, Strebing
Nays: Aldermen Randle, Nichols, Brown, McMahon, Williams, Pickering
Absent: Alderman Cooper
The vote being 7 to 6 with 1 absent, Mayor Eisenhauer cast a vote in the affirmative; motion carried 8 to 6 With 1 absent.
#14-H. Chairman Puhr presented Resolution No. 2017-122 authorizing Application to ITEP (Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program) for Funds requesting up to $2,000,000.00 to Develop Denmark Road Pedestrian Accommodations as the City desires to improve Denmark Road and Old Ottawa Road as a result of sanitary sewer improvements for motorists and pedestrians, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval without recommendation by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Puhr, Randle, Nichols, Foster, Duncheon, Stone, Strebing, O'Kane
Nays: Aldermen Brown, Davis, McMahon, Williams, Pickering
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 8 to 5 With 1 absent.
#14-1. Chairman Puhr presented Resolutionno. 2017-123 supporting the Rail-Banking of CSX Right-of-Way from Vermilion County Fairgrounds to Ellsworth Park by supporting the efforts of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to negotiate a rail-banking agreement with CSX for the right-of-way from the Vermilion County Fairgrounds to the Avenue C, rail crossing in Danville, the entire former railroad corridor that is planned as the Kickapoo Rail trail corridor can be an asset to the central Illinois region, passing through two Counties and near six municipalities, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Nichols, Foster, Brown, Duncheon, Davis, McMahon, Stone, Williams, Strebing, Davis, O'Kane, Puhr, Randle
Nays: None
Absent: Alderman Cooper
Motion Carried 13 to 0. With 1 absent.
#14-J. Items of Information
[The next Public Works Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.]
#15. Public Services Committee Report
#15-A. [previously removed.]
#15-B. Items Of Information
Chairman Nichols announced the next Public Services Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
#16. Review And Place On Public Display
Mayor Eisenhauer presented items 16-A through 16-K for review and asked that all items be placed on public display until the December 5, 2017 Council meeting. Alderman Randle moved to dispense with the readings and asked for all eleven items be placed on public display, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Those items being:
#16-A. An ordinance approving the 2017 Tax Levy of $6,600,875.00, an increase of 10.85% over last year, assuming an Assessed Value of $291,471.00, for an estimated Tax Rate of $2.2647;
#16-B. An ordinance abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2007 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $48,146.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Fund;
#16-C. An ordinance abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2007 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $58,954.00 from the Solid Waste Fund;
#16-D. An ordinance abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2007 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $96,263.00 from the Community Reinvestment Fund;
#16-E. An ordinance abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2007 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $162,284.00 from the Capital Improvements Fund;
#16-F. An ordinance abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2009 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $72,275.00 from the Community Reinvestment Fund;
#16-G. An ordinance abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2009 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $49,000.00 from the Capital Improvements Fund;
#16-H. An ordinance abating a portion of the 2017 Tax Levy for Series 2009 General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $271,822.00 from the Infrastructure Development and Improvement Program Fund;
#16- I. An ordinance approving the 2017 Levy and Assessment of Taxes for Special Service Area Number One - Downtown Danville Inc. in the amount of $38,763.00;
#16-J. An Ordinance establishing the Budget for calendar year 2018 for Special Service Area Number One - Downtown Danville Inc. in the amount of $132,850.00; and
#16-K.An ordinance approving the Levy and Extension of Taxes within Special Service Area Number TWO-Expanded in the amount of $28,126.02, at a rate of $30.00 per acre, for the year 2017, payable in 2018. Mayor Eisenhauer clarified the documents would be placed on public display at the City Clerk's office and the City website until final vote on December 5, 2017. There being no further discussion, on the Voice vote, all ayes, no nays, the motion so ordered.
#16-L. Items of Information
Mayor Eisenhauer explained item 16-L-1 and item 16-L-2 are for discussion only.
#16-L-1. Ordinance: Amending Chapter 117 of City Code Pertaining to Public Safety Pension Fee and Adopting a Municipal Tax on Public Utilities which would reflect 50% of the maximum for a municipal tax on electricity usage, and 3% tax applied to natural gas usage with funds generated by Such taxes would be dedicated to paying toward the Fire and Police Pension Fund obligations. Mayor Eisenhauer stated 50% of the maximum allowable rate based on State Statute for electric reduce maximum allowable by a percentage rate, but that percentage rate has to be applied against every tier So When We say 50% that is 50% at every tiered level. That would generate $973,000.00 and then if you look at natural gas at 3%, that would generate $805,000.00. The total amount we WOuld be able to generate through a utility tax would be based on capping the businesses and so What We have discussed in the past is establishing a cap for the largest users of both electricity and natural gas and that no business Would pay in excess of $36,000.00 annually. What is interesting about that formula is the more you increase the percentages, you are increasing the number of businesses in the Community that would reach its cap. Businesses make up 75% of the KWH that is used in the Community, therefore, they are also accountable for 75% of the revenue that would be generated under a utility tax. Capping it out at $36,000.00 means that you have a significant repayment back to the businesses as under this scenario we would be writing checks to the tune of at least $420,000.00 in rebates. Combined electric and gas on the average for a residential Would roughly be $100 per year more in a utility tax. There would still be a 10% increase in property tax with this proposal as well as a $4.00 per month increase in public safety pension fee.
#16-L-2.Ordinance: Enacting Chapter 117 of City Code Pertaining to Public Safety Pension Fee
a. Appendix A, Option 2
b. Appendix A, Option 4
c. Appendix A, Option 4-A
Mayor Eisenhauer spoke on the churches and non-profits and stated they are not currently paying property tax, but are paying the public safety pension fee of $96.00 per year. There Would be no additional increase in property tax, but they would be paying more in the public safety pension fee as most of those building are more than 5,000 square feet and therefore are looking at the Commercial numbers of $2,400.00 and down. Some have suggested a lower number to look at. Mayor Eisenhauer stated when you do that, any changes you make there, are going to impact the residential side or you have to elevate the over 5,000 side in other ways. Any changes you make you have to raise one or both of the others in order to make up for what you lose. Option 2 shows a $2.26 Property Tax Rate and a $600.00-$2,400.00 minimum annual Public Safety Pension fee for businesses and a $96.00-$330.00 minimum annual Public Safety Pension fee for residences. Option 4 shows a $2.26 Property Tax Rate and a $1,300.00 per year flat Public Safety Pension fee for businesses and $200.00 per year flat Public Safety Pension fee for residences. Option 4A shows a $2.26 Property Tax Rate and a $220.00 residential Public Safety Pension flat fee and a $600.00$1,500.00 tiered system for business Public Safety Pension fee. Alderman Duncheon stated taking off the tiered sewer fee is good, a lot of residents and We 15 need to acknowledge We are angry the City let the pension debt get to this point, and would like to see Some Way to give Some relief to churches and non-profits. The utility tax is an equitable way to go, a slight raise in the Public Safety fee is okay, and a 10% raise in the Property Tax is okay. He stated he knows we are raising three taxes and that goes against life, but the essence of the idea is good. Alderman Strebing stated he is okay with churches paying something and feels it is fair. Alderman Williams passed out a spreadsheet to Aldermen of suggested cuts which was provided at the last Budget Study Session and will ask it be placed on the agenda for December 5th. He will be updating the list. Alderman Davis asked what burden does this put on churches and Mayor Eisenhauer responded it depends on What option is approved. Mayor Eisenhauer asked the Aldermen to send him their feedback on what option they would like to go with prior to the Public Services Committee to forward onto the full City Council for action On December 5, 2017.
#17. Items Of Information - None
#18. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 9:13 p.m. following a motion by Alderman McMahon and a second by Alderman Stone.