
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign City Council met July 18

Webp meetingroom05

Champaign City Council met July 18.

Here is the minutes as provided by the council:

Roll-Call: Present: William Kyles, Vanna Pianfetti, Greg Stock,

Alicia Beck, Angie Brix, Tom Bruno,

Clarissa Fourman, Matthew Gladney, Mayor Feinen

Absent: None

Special Recognition: Mayor Feinen, assisted by Fire Chief Ludwig, administered

the oath of office to the following: Roger Cruse, Dorval Norwood, and Tyler Funk,

promoted to Fire Battalion Chiefs; David Tomlinson, promoted to Fire Captain; and

Matthew Hipke, Sean Manuel, Joshua Peoples, and Tad Worley, Firefighters.

Mayor Feinen also recognized Chief Ludwig’s 40 years of Fire service, and thanked him

for the City of Champaign portion of his career. Chief Ludwig noted it is a true honor to

serve, and thanked the Mayor for the leadership and support provided to the Fire


Minutes: June 13, 2017 Special Regular Meeting

June 13, 2017 Regular Study Session

June 20, 2017 Regular Council Meeting

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to approve the minutes. A voice vote was

taken; all voted yes.

Correspondence: None

Public Hearings: None

Action on Council Bills

Ordinances and Resolutions:

Passed CB-2017-159, “A Resolution Relating To

Participation By Elected Officials In The

Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund And

Recertifying Eligibility”

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt the Resolution. After a brief

explanation of the Council Bill by Mayor Feinen, a roll-call vote was taken; all voted yes

except CM Bruno who voted no.

Passed CB-2017-160, “An Ordinance Annexing

Territory Pursuant To Petition (2602 And

2604 West Curtis Road) ”

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt the Ordinance. After a brief

explanation of the Council Bill by Mayor Feinen, a roll-call vote was taken; all voted yes.

Passed CB-2017-161, “An Ordinance Annexing

Territory Pursuant To Petition (2802 S.

Staley Road, Champaign, Illinois, Carle At

The Crossing – Fields South Drive RightOf-Way)”

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt the Ordinance. After a brief

explanation of the Council Bill by Mayor Feinen, a roll-call vote was taken; all voted yes.

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to consolidate CB-2017-162 and CB-2017-

163. A voice vote was taken on the motion to consolidate; all voted yes.

Passed CB-2017-162, “A Resolution Approving

The Preliminary/Final Plat Of The South

Center Of The Research Park No. 12

Subdivision (Located At 2300 South First


Passed CB-2017-163, “An Ordinance Approving

The Amendment To The Planned

Development Plan For The Carle Sports

Medicine Facility (Located At The

Northeast Corner Of First Street And

Windsor Road)”

After a brief explanation of the Council Bills by Mayor Feinen, a roll-call vote was taken;

all voted yes.

Passed CB-2017-164, “An Ordinance Amending

The Zoning Map Of The City Of

Champaign To Rezone The Northern

Portion Of The Property At 4421 And 4422

Nicklaus Dr. From CN, Commercial

Neighborhood To MF1, Multi-Family Low


CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt the Ordinance. After a brief

explanation of the Council Bill by Mayor Feinen, a roll-call vote was taken; all voted yes.

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to consolidate CB-2017-165 and CB-2017-

166. A voice vote was taken on the motion to consolidate; all voted yes.

Passed CB-2017-165, “An Ordinance Authorizing

Loan Agreement (IEPA Loan – West

Washington Street Drainage Improvement


Passed CB-2017-166, “A Resolution Authorizing

The Purchase Of Engineering Services For

Phase 3 Of The West Washington Street

Drainage Improvements (Public Works –

Clark-Dietz Inc.)”

Amount - $507,620

After a brief explanation of the Council Bills by Mayor Feinen, Susan Taylor, 1218 W.

University, noted the West Washington Street residents have been working with the City

for about 10 years; expressed gratitude that the City has been willing to work with the

residents; noted the committee is fond of Clark Dietz, having worked with them in the

past; and requested Council’s approval of the Council Bills. Mayor Feinen noted Gerald

Payonk, Clark Dietz, presence in the audience. Mayor Feinen thanked the West

Washington Street neighborhood for working with the City, noting things have gotten

better, and residents should expect to see more improvement. She noted the presence of

West Washington Street residents is a reminder to other neighborhoods that are waiting

for improvements that there is a plan to help other neighborhoods and the work will get

done. The willingness of the West Washington Street residents to reach out to Council,

hold meetings, and meet with staff has really made a difference. A roll-call vote was

taken; all voted yes.

Passed CB-2017-167, “A Resolution Appointing

Thomas Dowling To The Zoning Board Of

Appeals In The City Of Champaign”

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt the Resolution. After a brief

explanation of the Council Bill by Mayor Feinen, CM Beck questioned whether Mr.

Dowling lived in Champaign, and whether he was a permanent resident in the City of

Champaign. Mayor Feinen noted he lives on Daniel St. in Champaign, and is currently a

student. A roll-call vote was taken; all voted yes.

Passed CB-2017-168, “A Resolution Appointing

Jordan Evans-Kaplan To The Zoning Board

Of Appeals In The City of Champaign”

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt the Resolution. After a brief

explanation of the Council Bill by Mayor Feinen, CM Stock questioned whether Mr.

Evans-Kaplan had moved to Champaign (yes). Jordan Evans-Kaplan, 312 S. State Street,

Champaign, noted his work with the University Student Code has prepared him for legal

writing while on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Evans-Kaplan noted he is looking

forward to learning from members of the Board, and it is an honor to be able to

participate. A roll-call vote was taken; all voted yes.

Audience Participation:

Isak Griffiths, 2334 W. John St., Courage Connection Director, noted Courage

Connection almost closed its doors in April, with the State owing them $350,000. After

reaching out to the community $390,000 was raised in 10 weeks. With the passing of a

State budget, Courage Connection is fully funded for FY18, and they have been notified

that payment of domestic violence services grants is a high priority. On behalf of herself,

the Courage Connection Board, staff, and clients, Ms. Griffiths thanked Council, and the

community for stepping up and making a difference.

Shereon Thomas, 108 Washington Square, Apt 400, noted multiple safety and security

issues happening to her, her apartment, and her belongs, while living in Washington

Square, noting she has talked to the Mayor and filed numerous police reports. Ms.

Thomas requested help from Council.

Council and Manager Comments:

CM Beck noted 4-H’ers will be showing their final projects at the Champaign County 4H

Fair this weekend, and invited everyone to go and see the exhibits, noting there are over

30 4-H clubs in Champaign. She acknowledged the work done by the extension office on

behalf of the youth, thanked the volunteers for their hours of work, and congratulated all

of the 4-H’ers on their projects.


CM Bruno, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt Voucher No. 1 (vendor payments)

in the amount of $1,034,545.77. A voice vote was taken; all voted yes.

Payroll: None

Investments: None


CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adjourn. A voice vote was taken on the

motion to adjourn; all voted yes.

The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
