University of Illinois College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Recent News About University of Illinois College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
DOE $1.85M grant funds sorghum photosynthesis study at U of I
DOE $1.85M grant funds sorghum photosynthesis study at U of I
How do we solve the problem of agricultural nutrient runoff?
Agricultural runoff from Midwestern farms is a major contributor to a vast “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico.
Gene important in soybean protein content found after 30-year search
Soybeans outmatch all other legumes as the protein powerhouses of the plant kingdom, providing a key protein source for humans and livestock around the world.
5 questions: Wheat breeder's mission? To sustain people and the environment
This week’s 5 Questions Friday features a faculty member in the Department of Crop Sciences. As a small grains breeder, Dr. Jessica Rutkoski goes against the corn-and-beans norm in Illinois to improve important staple crops for societies around the world.
Tanzania field trial finds soil testing and subsidies can increase fertilizer use and maize yields
The right mineral fertilizers applied appropriately can alleviate nutrient deficiencies in soils and increase crop yields, but most small-scale farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have their soils tested to reveal these deficiencies.